
来源 :水土保持学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whywhy_why
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By using the wasteland as a control, the soil samples of 0 ocm and 20-40cm soil layers were collected and the soil microorganisms (bacteria, actinomyces Bacteria and fungi) and soil enzyme activities (sucrase, urease, catalase, alkaline phosphatase, protease and polyphenol oxidase). The results showed as follows: (1) The number of microbes in each farmland was bacteria (107)> actinomycetes (105)> fungi (103), of which the number of bacteria accounted for more than 99% of the total number of the three major types of microorganisms; The number of the whole was higher than that of the control, and the surface layer was higher than the lower layer, but the difference was insignificant; the quantity of the microorganism was highest in the field and in the seed gourd, and alfalfa could significantly increase the number of fungi. (2) Among the six kinds of enzyme activities, only sucrase and urease showed significant differences between layers and farmland. The activities of sucrase, urease, catalase and protease on the surface of farmland were higher than those of the control. Enzyme, alfalfa enzyme activity overall higher. (3) The biological properties are interrelated and influence each other. There were significant or extremely significant correlations among the six enzymes, and the activity of the enzyme was significant and common. The levels of organic matter, such as sucrase, catalase, urease, protease, polyphenol oxidase, fungi and actinomycetes, 85% .Overall, after the formation of the oasis system in Ulan Buh and Sandy areas, the long-term farming activities improved the biological properties of the oasis farmlands and the overall quality of the soil was improved. The improvement of the soil organic matter content in the study area was to improve the quality of oasis farmland soil And the key to improving their ecological environment, should be widely planted alfalfa.
1998-1999年我院脑外科共收治14例脑外伤性脑梗死伴肢体瘫痪患儿, 取三阳经穴针刺治疗, 获得满意疗效, 现总结报道如下.
通过土柱淋滤试验,从动态角度研究了黄土性土壤对Cr(Ⅵ) 的净化作用及迁移规律.研究结果表明:黄土性土壤对Cr(Ⅵ)是逐步地均匀地吸附的,直到吸附饱和.土壤对Cr(Ⅵ)净化吸附分