Hydrodynamics and suspended sediment transport at tidal inlets of Salut Mengkabong Lagoon, Sabah, Ma

来源 :International Journal of Sediment Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yejing112
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Salut-Mengabong Lagoon is located at the west coast of Sabah facing the South China Sea. At the bay side of the main inlet the lagoon splits into Salut and Mengabong Channels. Sediment dynamics at the inlets of the lagoon have recently received considerable attention. But any direct measurement of hydrodynamics and sediment flux are yet to be well documented. This study covers the field measurements of current velocity, water flux, suspended sediment concentration and sediment flux across the three transects (main inlet, Salut entrance and Mengkabong entrance) during typical spring and neap tidal cycles in southwest monsoon and northeast monsoon. Temporal variations and timeaveraged values of measured parameters are discussed. The inlets of Salut-Mengkabong Lagoon are found to be ebb-dominated. The time-averaged velocities during spring tidal measurements are found to be higher in the main inlet followed by Mengkabong entrance and Salut entrance. Suspended sediment concentration and sediment fluxes are substantially higher in spring tidal cycles compared to the same in neap tidal cycles. During spring tidal cycles, ebb tidal sediment fluxes are higher than the flood tidal fluxes. The ebb dominated flux across the main inlet led to the large ebb shoal. Salut-Mengabong Lagoon is located at the west coast of Sabah facing the South China Sea. At the bay side of the main inlet the lagoon splits into Salut and Mengabong Channels. Sediment dynamics at the inlets of the lagoon have recently received data attention. But any direct measurement of hydrodynamics and sediment flux are yet to be well documented. This study covers the field measurements of current velocity, water flux, suspended sediment concentration and sediment flux across the three transects (main inlet, Salut entrance and Mengkabong entrance) during typical spring and neap tidal cycles in southwest monsoon and northeast monsoon. Temporal variations and timeaveraged values ​​of measured parameters are discussed. The inlets of Salut-Mengkabong Lagoon are found to be ebb-dominated. The time-averaged velocities during spring tidal measurements are found to be higher in the main inlet followed by Mengkabong entrance and Salut entrance. Suspended sediment concentration and se dipping fluxes are substantially higher in spring tidal cycles compared to the same in neap tidal cycles. during spring tidal cycles, ebb tidal sediment fluxes are higher than the flood tidal fluxes. The ebb dominated flux across the main inlet led to the large ebb shoal.
CN13-1350/TQ ISSN 1672-9323(双月刊)《石油化工建设》是国内外公开发行的科技期刊,立足中国石化、化工、石油建设系统,面向全国工程建设行业,内容涉及工程建设的各个方面。
1 引 言甲状腺功能亢进症(甲亢)是临床常见的内分泌疾病,大多数病人采用药物治疗,但复发率较高。我院自1992年9月至1996年6月在内分泌专科行抗甲状腺药物(ATD)治疗的287例甲亢患者,其中复发106例,复发率
中华人民共和国新闻出版署 1999年 1月 12日以新出音 [1999]17号文件形式印发了《 中国学术期刊 (光盘版 ) 检索与评价数据规范 (试行 )》的通知。通知中指出 :《中国学术期
名次期刊名称被引频次次期刊名称被引频次次期刊名称被引频次1 科学通报2 高等学校化学学报3 植物学报4 分析化学5 物理学报6 第四军医大学学报7 生态学报8 植物生理学通讯9