认真落实承包任务 切实加强经济核算

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我局是一个年产700万吨原煤的中型矿区,是国家重点发展的矿区之一.实行总承包以来,我局以改革为动力,以提高经济效益为中心,认真落实承包,挖掘企业内部潜力,加强经济核算,较好地完成了承包的各项任务.1985年原煤产量突破700万吨,比计划增产90万吨,增长了14.7%,上缴利润1,000万元,职工收入平均每人比上年增长8.8%.我们的主要做法和体会是: 一、提高思想认识,细算经济帐,狠抓承包指标的落实实行投入产出总承包,是煤炭企业管理的一项重要改革.为了抓好这项工作,我们首先 Our bureau is a medium-sized mining area with an annual output of 7 million tons of raw coal and one of the major mining areas under development in the country.With the implementation of the general contracting system, our bureau takes the reform as the driving force and focuses on improving the economic efficiency, conscientiously implements the contracting and excavating the potential within the enterprise , To strengthen economic accounting, better completion of the contracting tasks .In 1985, the output of coal exceeded 700 million tons, 900,000 tons more than planned, an increase of 14.7%, turned over profits of 10 million yuan, the average income per worker The annual increase of 8.8% .Our main practices and experiences are: First, improve the ideological understanding, calculate the economic accounts, pay close attention to the implementation of the contract index implementation of input and output general contracting, is an important reform of coal enterprise management. In order to do a good job This work, we first
目的:  探讨右美托咪定对异丙酚诱导的发育期大鼠远期学习记忆障碍的影响,以及海马磷酸化环磷腺苷效应元件结合蛋白(p-CREB)和脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)在其中所起的作用。  方
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创意手指绘画会多有趣呢?意大利艺术家迪托自创了一种新的艺术创作方式,他对自己的食指进行一番“乔装打扮”凭借 Creative finger painting will be more interesting? Ita
本文以实例说明了α卡法找花岗岩型和碳硅泥岩型隐伏铀矿的有效性,探讨了隐伏铀矿的α卡法异常特征。指出α卡法测Rn灵敏度高于其他方法。 This paper illustrates the vali