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结合长春市南关区绿色食品生产基地的生产实践,参阅国内外相关科技成果,总结出一套适合北方保护地绿色食品黄瓜栽培的技术。具体阐述了栽培A 级绿色食品黄瓜生产基地所要求的无污染的优越生态环境条件;施肥原则与方法;病虫害防治的原则与方法;品种选择以及保障优质、高产的配套措施。 According to the production practice of green food production base in Nanchuan District of Changchun City, referring to relevant scientific and technological achievements at home and abroad, a set of techniques suitable for cucumber cultivation of green food in the northern protected areas are summarized. Specifically elaborated the cultivation of A-level green cucumber production base required pollution-free superior ecological and environmental conditions; principles and methods of fertilization; pest and disease control principles and methods; selection of varieties and to ensure high-quality, high yield of supporting measures.
对无线电设备测试时的不确定进行研究,通过介绍无线电发射设备测试中涉及到的一些误差计算和分析方法,同时结合一些常用的测量进行实例分析计算。 The research on the unce