
来源 :中国水土保持 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kikat
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川掌沟位于皇甫川流域的上游,属黄土丘陵沟壑区第一副区。这里自然条件恶劣,干旱严重,年均降雨量仅350~400mm,且70%以上多以暴雨形式集中在7~9月降落。该流域总面积147km~2,流域内地形破碎,沟壑密度达3.91km/km~2,沟壑面积,35.37km~2,占总面积的24.1%;沟道两岸坡度较陡,基岩、砒砂岩、红泥岩裸露,风化、冻融侵蚀严重,是皇甫川中粗砂的主要产区之一;梁峁斜坡多以黄土或沙化黄土覆盖,风蚀、水蚀剧烈,年平均侵蚀模数为1.9万t/km~2。 Chuanzhaogou is located in the upper reaches of the Huangfuchuan Basin, a loess hilly and gully district first deputy district. Here the natural conditions are poor, the drought is serious, the average annual rainfall is only 350 ~ 400mm, and more than 70% mostly take the form of rainstorm concentrated in July to September. The total area of ​​the basin is 147km ~ 2. The topography of the basin is fragmented, the gully density is 3.91km / km ~ 2, the gully area is 35.37km ~ 2, accounting for 24.1% of the total area; , Red mudstone exposed, weathering, severe freeze-thaw erosion is one of the main producing areas of the Huangfuchuan gritstone. Most of the Liangtao slope is covered by loess or sandy loess, with severe wind erosion and water erosion. The annual average erosion modulus is 19,000 t / km ~ 2.
带着对二十世纪的留恋 ,怀着对新世纪的企盼 ,我们———占世界人口四分之一的中华民族 ,和世界上各族人民一起 ,跨入了一个崭新的世纪!恭逢千禧 ,何当其幸!相信每一个地球公民
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中国计算机学会理论专业学组于1983年11月18日至21日在长沙召开了第一次学术交流会。到会代表78名,来自全国59个单位。 会议通过大会报告和小组宣读论文广泛地进行了学术交
A large ectopic liver nodule connected to the greater omentum had undergone i nfarction and separation because of torsion of its connecting stalk and was the ca