Multi-Level Web Cache Model Used in Data Grid Application

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hdw1978
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This paper proposed a novel multilevel data cache model by Web cache (MDWC) based on network cost in data grid. By constructing a communicating tree of grid sites based on network cost and using a single leader for each data segment within each region, the MDWC makes the most use of the Web cache of other sites whose bandwidth is as broad as covering the job executing site. The experiment result indicates that the MDWC reduces data response time and data update cost by avoiding network congestions while designing on the parameters concluded by the environment of application. This paper proposed a novel multilevel data cache model by Web cache (MDWC) based on network cost in data grid. By constructing a communicating tree of grid sites based on network cost and using a single leader for each data segment within each region, the MDWC makes the most use of the Web cache of other sites whose bandwidth is as broad as covering the job executing site. The experiment result indicates that the MDWC reduces data response time and data update cost by avoiding network congestions while designing on the parameters conclusion by the environment of application.
“舒老师,语文课代表的化学成绩出来了,进步惊人,全卷只扣了1分……”一次考试后,化学老师兴奋地向我报喜。我的语文课代表,因发表过不少作文,人称“文学公主”。虽然她其他科成绩优异,但是化学成绩不佳,这让所有任课老师担心。这一短板,意味着她很可能会与重点高中无缘。  “真是好消息一个接着一个,”我也高兴起来,“班长的语文成绩也迈进了高分行列。”  “那就让他们谈谈近期各自的学习经验。”有老师提议,我也
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