A Hotel Setting to Dazzle Xi'an

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  Xi'an is one of the most culturally and historically rich destinations in the world. Over thousands of years, the city has maintained its magnetic attraction for global travelers seeking both boundary-pushing and iconic art, design and entertainment, making it a perfect destination for W Hotel Xi'an. W Hotel Xi'an shows off its ability to, like the city itself, innovate. From the hotel's bold and complex design and its many hidden homages to millennia of history, it is ready to add a new level to Xi'an's ever-evolving offerings for global guests.
  A journey backward through time
  Known as “the birthplace of Chinese civilization”, Xi’an was a popular stop along the Silk Road since ancient times, serving as a collective meeting place for both culture and cuisine, and growing richer and more diverse with age. W Hotels Worldwide, part of Marriott International, Inc., continues to take footprint in Xi’an. Located in the Qujiang District, and adjacent to Qujiang Pool Park where modernity intersects with rich cultural tapestry, W Hotel Xi’an is set to ignite the passions of global guests and add a new beat to the pulse of Xi’an, whose history spans over three millennia.
  W Hotel Xi’an gives a bold first impression of the W Hotels Worldwide, standing in the shape of a “W”. Its design showcases the vibrant history of the region with dynamic visual displays. With its neon coating shining each night, W Hotel Xi’an is quickly becoming an iconic feature on the city’s skyline. Imagined by acclaimed interior design firm AB Concept, W Hotel Xi’an combines the past and the future of Xi’an. The hotel features five intricate labyrinths inspired by the Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui and Tang dynasties.
  An enormous eye-catching multimedia art installation with digital fragments of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) architecture welcomes guests through a floating garden entrance. The 17-meter-high Living Room is a showpiece of the hotel’s inspired design, boasting lighted floating curves, hanging artistic details and sloping divisions sweeping up from the floor. Each is inspired by the famous palace wall and historic depictions of the nearby Silk Road. Artworks of acrobatic pottery figurines lure guests to explore further.
  Get high-class treatment at W Hotel Xi'an
  When it comes to hotels in Xi'an, W Hotel Xi’an is consistently one of the most popular choices. After a long day of sightseeing, you can retire to the comfort of the hotel. 385 guest rooms and suites bring guests a bold representation of Xi'an culture. With spacious balconies carefully arranged for each guestroom, W Hotel Xi’an deliberately links each private terrace to the stage-like hidden mini bars, so guests can treat themselves with a sip while soaking in the skyline. The Extreme WOW Suite, the most lavish of the hotel’s 73 expansive suites, screams opulence with corrugated walls in a deep orange-red, embodying the energy of the Silk Road. Inspired by the supreme diplomatic gifting in the Tang Dynasty, peach motifs are displayed as the signature of the W pillows.
  W Xi’an showcases four places to socialize and dine. Wei, the all-day dining restaurant, infuses local cuisine with international favorites under an eye-catching giant satin vortex embedded in the ceiling. In addition, guests can detox, de-stress and rejuvenate the body, mind and soul at the indoor WET swimming pool and outdoor WET Deck. For those who lean towards memorable experiences with a unique perspective, W Hotel Xi’an offers all that you may need.
龙门石窟自2000年被评为世界文化遗产以来,一直是学术研究的焦点、文化旅游的热点。在数字科技时代的框架下,龙门石窟传承和保护又成为传承创新、文旅融合的新焦点。作为龙门石窟的“守门人”,龙门石窟研究院院长史家珍在2020年12月举行的第15届中国—东盟文化论坛上分享了“文化遗产的保护、传承与旅游开发”等相关经验。  保护与传承之路任重而道远  龙门石窟有着丰厚的文化底蕴和自身特色,集北魏、盛唐皇家风
二〇二〇年不会再重启,全新的二〇二一年已然到来。新冠肺炎仍在全球肆虐,不过,位于中越边境的崇左却有着从未有过的﹁清净﹂。目前,崇左是中国为数不多、广西唯一﹁零确诊﹂的地级市。  三二二国道终端穿过历经千年风霜的友谊关拱城门,與越南公路相接,这里罕见的没有了人群的喧闹,风声鸟鸣间,唯有偶然途经的一两位返乡人与一些等待通关的货车……  新冠肺炎疫情之下,中越两国间的人员互通减少了许多,但居于边关位置的
If every woman in France should have a little black dress, every elegant Chinese woman would have a cheongsam in their closet. Gambiered Canton gauze, the only silk fabric hand-dyed with nature plants
“非遗与旅游融合,在进一步提高区域知名度、促进人文类旅游的融合、促进区域城市文化发展、有效保护提升民间工艺、连接周边产业共同发展等方面都具有重要意义。”永新华韵文化产业投资集团执行董事、中国文旅康养度假联盟副理事长张军在2020年12月举行的第15届中国—东盟文化论坛上表示,在文旅融合背景下,“非遗+旅游” 引领了文旅产业的新风尚,也显现出融合发展的重要价值。  本屆中国—东盟文化论坛的主题为“文
1995年,琅勃拉邦被列入世界“自然与文化”双遗产名录。25年间,在古城的维护与旅游开发上,琅勃拉邦有诸多可供分享的经验,但同时也面临诸多棘手的问题。在2020年12月举行的第15届中国—东盟文化论坛上,老挝琅勃拉邦世界文化遗产办公室副主任森通·略扬作了有关分享。  保持原样还是开发新项目?  琅勃拉邦作为老挝第二大城市,是该国经济的重地之一。与其他发展中国家的城市一样,琅勃拉邦也同样面临着是保留
“纵观中国与东盟地理位置,梳理双边血脉相亲的历史文化脉络,‘山水相依’似乎已成为中国与东盟关系的代名词。” 在2020年12月举办的第15届中国—东盟文化论坛上,著名音乐学家、非物质文化遗产保护专家、中央文史研究馆馆员田青说道,“在文化传播学上,山和水有不同的作用。山阻隔文化,但水可以传播文化,澜沧江-湄公河将中国—东盟勾连在了一起,使中国和东盟许多跨境民族有了共同的文化。”  田青说:“从铜鼓文
12月的桂林有些湿冷,温婉的喀斯特小山迎来了岁暮初寒,也迎来了文化早春。2020年12月8日,西山脚下的桂林大公馆酒店,第15届中国—东盟文化论坛正式拉开帷幕。  山水甲天下,文化聚英才  “中国—东盟关系已成为亚太区域合作中最为成功和最具活力的典范,成为推动构建人类命运共同体的生动例证。”在致辞环节,中国文化和旅游部副部长张旭首先发言,他的一席话如冬日里的暖阳,点亮了文化论坛召开14载以来,中国
2000多年前,一条以中国徐闻港、合浦港等港口为起点的海上丝绸之路成就了世界性的贸易网络。海上丝绸之路作为古代中国与东南亚、西亚、北非,乃至欧洲之间文化贸易往来的海上航线,成为中国与外国贸易往来和文化交流的海上大通道,推动了沿线各国的共同发展。近年来,海上丝绸之路在广西,尤其是北海的史迹、遗产保护与申遗工作取得了显著成效。为推动海上丝绸之路申遗工作奠定了坚实的基础。  中国博物馆协会理事长,原国家
中国和东盟山水相连,早在2000多年前,古代中国和东南亚国家之间就已有了密切往来,如何让双方文化“交融”延续,讲好历史故事,做好中国与东盟的文化遗产保护、交流与合作?在第15届中国—东盟文化论坛举办期间,东博社记者就相关问题采访了广西博物馆副馆长、广西古代海上丝绸之路研究中心主任熊昭明。  “海上丝绸之路的形成,很大一方面的原因就是中国与东南亚国家山水相连,习俗相通。”熊昭明表示,古代海上丝绸之路
中国与东盟山水相连,文化相通,区域内包含着丰富的世界文化遗产资源,中国左江花山岩画文化景观、柬埔寨吴哥窟、老挝琅勃拉邦古城、马来西亚马六甲及乔治城、泰国素可泰古城、缅甸骠国古城群等,均被列为世界文化遗产。  随着时代变迁,保护、传承、弘扬世界文化遗产的方式也成为中国与东盟国家共同关注的焦点。2020年12月,通过视频参加第15届中国—东盟文化论坛的新加坡国立大学设计与环境学院建筑系主任何培斌表示,