Bioinformatic prediction and functional characterization of human KIAA0100 gene

来源 :Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:arthurzy
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Our previous study demonstrated that human KIAA0100 gene is a novel acute monocytic leukemia-associated antigen(MLAA) gene. But the functional characterization of human KIAA0100 gene has remained unknown to date. Here, firstly, bioinformatic prediction of human KIAA0100 gene was carried out using online software;Secondly, human KIAA0100 gene expression was downregulated by the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats(CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated(Cas) 9 system in U937 cells. Cell proliferation and apoptosis were next evaluated in KIAA0100-knockdown U937 cells. The bioinformatic prediction showed that human KIAA0100 gene was located on 17q11.2, and human KIAA0100 protein was located in the secretory pathway. Besides, human KIAA0100 protein contained a signal peptide, a transmembrane region, three types of secondary structures(alpha helix, extended strand, and random coil), and four domains from mitochondrial protein 27(FMP27). The observation on functional characterization of human KIAA0100 gene revealed that its downregulation inhibited cell proliferation, and promoted cell apoptosis in U937 cells. To summarize, these results suggest human KIAA0100 gene possibly comes within mitochondrial genome; moreover, it is a novel anti-apoptotic factor related to carcinogenesis or progression in acute monocytic leukemia, and may be a potential target for immunotherapy against acute monocytic leukemia. Our previous study demonstrated that human KIAA0100 gene is a novel acute monocytic leukemia-associated antigen (MLAA) gene. But the functional characterization of human KIAA0100 gene has been unknown. Date, first, bioinformatic prediction of human KIAA0100 gene was carried out using online software; Secondly, human KIAA0100 gene expression was downregulated by the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR) / CRISPR-associated (Cas) 9 system in U937 cells. Cell proliferation and apoptosis were next evaluated in KIAA0100-knockdown U937 cells. bioinformatic prediction showed that human KIAA0100 gene was located on 17q11.2, and human KIAA0100 protein was located in the secretory pathway. Also, human KIAA0100 protein was located in the secretory pathway. Also, human KIAA0100 protein was located in the signal peptide, a transmembrane region, three types of secondary structures (alpha helix, extended strand , and random coil), and four domains from mitochondrial protein 27 (FMP27). The observation on functional characterization of human KIAA0100 gene revealed that its downregulation inhibited cell proliferation, and promoted cell apoptosis in U937 cells. To summarize, these results suggest human KIAA0100 gene services comes within mitochondrial genome; moreover, it is a novel anti-apoptotic factor related to carcinogenesis or progression in acute monocytic leukemia, and may be a potential target for immunotherapy against acute monocytic leukemia.
运用LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年获得库鲁塔格西山口地区北塞纳尔塔格组蚀变流纹岩的形成时代为841.0±1.4 Ma(MSWD=0.42),蚀变流纹岩的发现指示塔里木北缘新元古代中期除发育大量
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2008年6月,胡锦涛总书记在人民日报社考察工作时指出:“必须坚持以人为本,增强新闻报道的亲和力、吸引力和感染力。”对于新闻媒体而言,贯彻落实这一要求,就要调整 In June