
来源 :安徽预防医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tftaofeng
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目的了解安徽省芜湖市慢性病相关行为危险因素分布状况,为制定慢性病防治相关政策和干预措施提供科学依据。方法2008年9月,采用多阶段随机抽样方法,以抽中的独立住户中15~69岁,出生日期距离调查日期最近的常住人口为调查对象,由经过培训的调查员入户进行问卷调查并进行人体测量。结果该市15~69岁居民吸烟率、饮酒率分别为28.2%、30.0%,超重率、肥胖率和腹型肥胖率分别为26.3%、6.5%和37.8%,高血压患病率为30.7%,高血压知晓率、控制率分别为57.5%、41.2%,口味偏咸占29.1%,每天睡眠时间6h以下占21.4%。结论应抓住相关行为流行的重点人群,根据受众的可接受水平采取有针对性的健康教育,促进人群建立健康生活方式,减少慢性病发生发展。 Objective To understand the distribution of risk factors related to chronic diseases in Wuhu City, Anhui Province, and to provide a scientific basis for formulating policies and interventions for prevention and control of chronic diseases. Methods In September 2008, a multistage random sampling method was used. Among the independent households aged 15-69, whose birth date was the nearest resident from the survey date, the surveyed residents were interviewed by trained investigators Human body measurement. Results The smoking and drinking rates of residents aged 15-69 years were 28.2% and 30.0% respectively. The rates of overweight, obesity and abdominal obesity were 26.3%, 6.5% and 37.8% respectively, and the prevalence of hypertension was 30.7% , Awareness rate of hypertension, control rate were 57.5%, 41.2%, flavored salty accounted for 29.1%, daily sleep time less than 6h accounted for 21.4%. Conclusions Key people with relevant behaviors should be seized, targeted health education should be taken according to the acceptable level of the audience, and people should be encouraged to establish a healthy lifestyle and reduce the occurrence and development of chronic diseases.
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