Bacterial colonization and intestinal mucosal barrier development

来源 :World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xxk2010
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The intestinal tract is colonized soon after birth with a variety of ingested environmental and maternal microflora. This process is influenced by many factors including mode of delivery, diet, environment, and the use of antibiotics. Normal intestinal microflora provides protection against infection, ensures tolerance to foods, and contributes to nutrient digestion and energy harvest. In addition, enteral feeding and colonization with the normal commensal flora are necessary for the maintenance of intestinal barrier function and play a vital role in the regulation of intestinal barrier function. Intestinal commensal microorganisms also provide signals that foster normal immune system development and influence the ensuing immune responses. There is increasingly recognition that alterations of the microbial gut flora and associated changes in intestinal barrier function may be related to certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This review summarizes recent advances in understanding the complex ecosystem of intestinal microbiota and its role in regulating intestinal barrier function and a few common pediatric diseases. Disruption in the establishment of a stable normal gut microflora may contribute to the pathogenesis of diseases including inflammatory bowel disease, nosocomial infection, and neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis. The intestinal tract is colonized soon after birth with a variety of ingested environmental and maternal microflora. This process is influenced by many factors including mode of delivery, diet, environment, and the use of antibiotics. Normal intestinal microflora provides protection against infection, O To foods, and contributes to nutrient digestion and energy harvest. In addition, enteral feeding and colonization with the normal commensal flora are necessary for the maintenance of intestinal barrier function and play a vital role in the regulation of intestinal barrier function. provide signals that foster normal immune system development and influence the ensuing immune responses. There is more recognition that alterations of the microbial gut flora and associated changes in intestinal barrier function. understand ing the complex ecosystem of intestinal microbiota and its role in regulating intestinal barrier function and a few common pediatric diseases. Disruption in the establishment of a stable normal gut microflora may contribute to the pathogenesis of diseases including inflammatory bowel disease, nosocomial infection, and neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis.
目的 探讨保守性药物治疗异位妊娠的临床效果.方法对血β-绒毛膜促性腺激素(β-HCG)<3000 mU/ml、附件包块直径≤5 cm的87例未破裂及流产型异位妊娠患者予以甲氨蝶呤加甲酰四氢叶酸肌肉注射治疗,每周观察1次血β-HCG及盆腔B超.结果80例治愈,成功率91.9%.血β-HCG恢复正常时间平均27.2 d.结论符合保守治疗条件的异位妊娠患者采用甲氨蝶呤加甲酰四氢叶酸治疗是一种安全可靠易推
患者 ,男 ,70岁。高血压病 2 0a,糖尿病 3a。平日口服降糖舒每次 4粒 ,tid ,血糖 1 1 .1mmol·L 1 ,尿糖 ++~ +++,本次因泌尿系感染住院。体检 :血压 1 35 90mmHg (1mmHg =0 .1 33kPa) ,血糖 1 7.2mmol