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美国畅销书作家罗宾·科克以写医学惊险小说著称,本篇是他继《白衣怪圈》之后推出的又一部新作。 戴维和安吉拉是一对年轻的夫妇,从医科大学毕业后,带着女儿来到美国南方的一座小城巴特莱特,在一家医院里工作。他们自以为从此可以过上平静的生活,然而一件件怪事接踵而至:戴维的病人一个接一个莫名其妙地死去,安吉拉在停车场横遭暴徒的袭击,在他们住房的地下室里发现了医院前任院长的尸体……为了查明真相,他们冒着被解雇的风险,排除来自各方的干扰,展开了调查。经过一番周折,终于使事情水落石出。小说无情地揭露了美国医疗界的种种弊端,抨击了金钱至上、草菅病人生命的医疗制度。 The best-selling American author Robin Cork is famous for writing medical adventure stories. This is another new work that he launched following the “White Circle”. David and Angela are young couples who, after graduating from medical school, take their daughters to Bartlett, a small town in the south of the United States, where they work in a hospital. They thought they could live a quiet life from then on, but a strange incident ensued: one after the other, David’s patients died inexplicably. Angela was attacked by thugs in the parking lot and found in the basements of their houses The corpse of the former president of the hospital ... To find out the truth, they ran the risk of being fired, ruled out interference from all parties, and conducted an investigation. After some twists and turns, finally make things come to nothing. The novel mercilessly exposed the shortcomings of the medical community in the United States and attacked the medical system that led to the supremacy of money and grassroots patients’ lives.
国王生了一对双胞胎王子,没有人能搞清哪个是兄长。等他们成年以后,国王想找一个公平的方法,选出王位的继承者。 King gave birth to a pair of twin princes, no one can f
《命运之星》(原名THE STARS SHINE DOWN)是美国畅销书作家西德尼·谢尔顿1993年的新作,小说描写出身低微的小镇少女拉腊,在一无资金,二无经验的情况下,抓住机遇,凭借自己的
经过多年的快速发展,如今我国棉纺织行业进入了调整结构、产业升级、转变发展方式的战略机遇期,这个时期也是挑战与机遇并存、发展与调整并举、创新与创业并重 After years
Suicidegenetherapyhasbeenextensivelyandintensivelystudiedforthetreatmentofcancerbothinanimalmodelsandclinicaltrials.13Cytosi... Suicidegenetherapyhasbeenextensivelyandintensivelystudiedforthetreatmentofcancerbothinanimalmodelsandclinicaltrials. 1  3Cyt