全球展览 变革为先

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  Welcoming more than 600 CEOs, young leaders, and international experts from over 50 countries, the 83rd UFI Congress in Shanghai on 9 to 12 November was a pronominal event and the largest since 1925 in the association’s history. Focusing on digital impact, venue operation, talents retain and relevant topics, delegates from global exhibition industry were encouraged to ride the tides of changes that are impacting the industry. During the congress, Overseas Exhibitions magazine interviewed delegates from worldwide for their perspectives on global exhibition markets and potential cooperation with the Chinese market.
  Ali Khaksar
  CEO, Aresa Int’l Event & Trade Management Company
  Our company is organizing several international exhibitions in Tehran and Mashhad which are the largest cities in Iran. Chinese market is a huge market for exhibition industry. we are looking for a Chines partner to have a corporation for Iranian exhibitions and Chinese exhibition. NECC is a largest exhibition center in the world and we will hear more about this center. Their host for UFI congress was excellent and we had a chance to talk with some chines organizers for the future corporation.
  Prem Behl
  Chairman, Exhibitions India Group
  印度Exhibitions India Group展览集团主席
  我们的展览会深度服务于所在行业。例如,我们举办的Convergence India印度通信展作为信息通讯领域的专业展,已经跨入第25年。下届展会同期我们还将引入印度物联网大会。相信随着技术的进一步发展,专业展会的市场需求将会越来越大。
  Our expos focus on critical industry verticals. For instance, Convergence India, which is in its 25th year, focuses on information and communications technologies. Demand for business related expos will continue to grow as technology develops and evolves.
  There are multiple factors which impact the success of an exhibition, however, there are three important elements, i.e. strategy, execution and customer satisfaction. Strategy means that we ensure that the market demand provides considerable value for our participants and attendees; execution means we plan our deadlines and budgets, while keeping safety and security concerns as a priority; customer satisfaction: aspire to differentiate our event from the rest.   关于展会品牌打造
  Dr. Clemens Schütte(徐凯文博士)
  Director of International Business, Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, Vice Chairman, Shanghai New International Expo Centre Co., Ltd. (SNIEC)
  In comparison with developed exhibition markets like Germany, there is still space for quality improvement in China. For example, to raise the percentage of trade visitors by ticket pricing and visitor profile screening.
  Gunnar Heinrich
  CEO, Adventics GmbH
  When companies realize that meaningful analysis of data can create business value, they would be willing to provide corporate information. However, organizers and service suppliers need to keep in line with local legal system in data collection and utilization.
  Varathan Anbu
  CEO, Bangalore International Exhibition Centre
  Since 2000, the Indian economy has been increasing at a rapid speed of 7.6%, and annual exhibition space sold reaches 2 million square meters, of which about 75% are held in Mumbai, Delhi,and Bangalore. Our center is expanding and with flexible building structure to meet clients’need to host diverse events.
  Abdul Hadi Khan
  Manager (Marketing),India Exposition Mart Ltd.
  印度新德里India Exposition Mart Ltd.展览公司市场部经理
  India Exposition Mart Ltd (IEML) is established for improving the vast potential of exporting Indian Handicrafts.Currently a number of expo center are being expanded or newly launched to meet ever increasing demand of international and domestic organizers, which I believe is good news for the entire exhibition industry and I sincerely hope that more Chinese exhibition companies come here to seek cooperation.
  Richard Mann
  Market Development Director of Venue Sales, The National Exhibition Centre
  Since a few years ago, the National Exhibition Centre as the biggest venue in the UK and one of the busiest in Europe, was sold to private operator by local government. However, thanks to more flexible business models and more customized quality, we have now entered into a profitable finance position. In terms of technology, although we cannot fail to ignore them, but to maintain high service quality is the key to customer satisfaction.
中泰两国同为亚洲重要的展览市场,近来合作亦日益紧密。在11月9-12日举行的第83届UFI年会上,本刊专访了泰国会议展览局展览活动部总监Jaruwan Suwannasat女士,请她介绍泰国会展业的发展以及两国产业合作情况。  记者:TCEB是国际展览业协会(UFI)的主要赞助商之一。本届上海年会主要想向业界推介什么资源?  Suwannasat:近年来,泰国会展市场作为东盟大市场的一部分,呈现出
2016年,韩国展览业平稳发展,国际化、智能化进程加快。首先,韩国本土主办方到海外办展的步伐加快,很多主办方到中国、越南、马来西亚等亚洲其他国家办展。其中,比较有规模的展会包括:亚洲第一大咖啡展——首尔咖啡展Seoul Cafe Show在中国的姊妹展——Exporum CaféShow in China中国国际咖啡展、Coex Stylish Life China中国时尚生活展、 KINTEX
Since the signing of China-Korea FTA in 2015, bilateral trade momentum has been increasing, so is cooperation within the exhibition industry. The reporter interviewed Hongyu Lee, Chairman of Associati
The 14th China Products (Mumbai India) Exhibition 2016 was held in Bombay Exhibition Center in Mumbai, India on 15 to 17 November. This year, the exhibition welcomed over 300 exhibitors in a space of
3,000家  全球最大的消费技术产业盛会——2017年美国国际消费类电子产品展览会将于2017年1月5-8日在美国拉斯维加斯举办。上届展会现场有3,000家公司进行了新品发布,发布产品数量达20,000件。其中,中国企业占参展商总数的三分之一,展会正在成为彰显中国企业实力的国际舞台。  The 2017 International Consumer Electronics Show, the b
10月3-7日,2016第58届布尔诺国际机械工业博览会(MSV)在捷克布尔诺中欧国际展览中心举行。来自全球50多个国家的1,711家企业参展,总展示面积创下2008年以来新高,达到44,000 平米,展览中心全馆爆满。在四天的展会中,买家人数将近8万人次。  为深化两国战略伙伴关系,推动国际产能合作,促进“中国制造2025”和“捷克工业4.0”有效对接,在连续多年参与MSV展会后,今年中国受邀以
Macau Auto, Yacht and Business Aviation Exhibition, themed"Grand Gathering in Macau" , is organized by UFI member Nam Kwong (Group) Company Limited, state-owned company China National Machinery Indust
Organized by BVV Trade Fairs Brno, the leading exhibition of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe – the 58th International Engineering Fair (“MSV”) from 3 to 7 October 2016 was attended by 1,711 com
2017年德国慕尼黑国际建筑建材展览会(BAU 2017)将于2017 年1月16-21日举行,届时整个慕尼黑展览中心都将投入使用。作为商业和住宅建筑、建材和建筑系统及内部设计与翻新领域的领先展览,BAU展会每两年一届,展览面积达185,000平米。BAU 2017将再次迎来 40多个国家的超过2,000家展商,其中国际展商比例预计约30%。观众方面,预计将有25万专业人士前来参观,主办方正在进一