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审美意识形态理论是二十世纪八十年代中期由钱中文和童庆炳二位先生创建的,该理论在创建之初以及后来的流传与发展中都引起了学界较大反响。这一理论创新是对中国文艺理论建设的重大贡献。二位先生在有益地扬弃了文学本质千年论争的基础上,在一种新的学术视野上对文艺的本质作了富于创造性的理论综合,提出文学第一层次的本质是审美意识形态。 Aesthetical ideology theory was founded by Qian Zhongwen and Tong Qingbing two persons in the mid-1980s. The theory has aroused much academic response at the beginning of its creation and its spread and development. This theoretical innovation is a major contribution to the construction of Chinese literary theory. Based on the beneficial abandonment of the millennium controversy over the essence of literature, the two gentlemen made a creative synthesis of the essence of literature and art in a new academic field of vision, and proposed that the essence of the first level of literature is the aesthetic ideology.
2,3 -脱氢水飞蓟宾是水飞蓟素中的有效成分之一 ,具有抗氧化活性 ,但报道较少 ,日本学者报道了从水飞蓟素分离出该物质 [1 ] ,在 1 974年 Halbach报道其半合成方法 [2 ] ,为
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统计双语教学是时代的要求 全球经济一体化的趋势使统计人才的标准日益国际化。随着联合国新SNA体系在我国的确立和国家统计局将抽样调查方法作为我国政府统计的主要调查方
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
戈尔巴乔夫是苏共最后一任总书记,也是苏联绝无仅有的一位总统。1985年3月,54岁的戈尔巴乔夫当选为苏联共产党总书记,登上了超级大国政治权力的顶峰。 Gorbachev was the la