Efficient Time Synchronization Approach for Wireless Communication Systems on GPP-Based Software-Def

来源 :Journal of Computer Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lsfgis
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General purpose processer (GPP) based software-defined radio (SDR) platforms provide wireless communication system engineers with maximal architecture flexibility and versatility to construct a wideband wireless communication system. Nevertheless, the lack of hardware real-time timing control makes it difficult to achieve time synchronization between the base station and the terminals. In this paper, a software-based time synchronization (STS) method is proposed to realize the time synchronization of time division multiple access (TDMA) based wireless communication systems. A high precision software clock source is firstly constructed to measure the elapse of processing time. The Round-Trip Delay (RTD) algorithm is then presented to calculate timing advance values and achieve time synchronization. An example TDMA system is implemented on Microsoft Sora platforms to evaluate the performance. Experiments show that the proposed mechanism is effective to enable time synchronization for wideband wireless communication systems on GPP-based SDR platforms. General purpose processer (GPP) based software-defined radio (SDR) platforms provide wireless communication system engineers with maximal architecture flexibility and versatility to construct a wideband wireless communication system. Nevertheless, the lack of hardware real-time timing control makes it difficult to achieve time synchronization between the base station and the terminals. In this paper, a software-based time synchronization (STS) method is proposed to realize the time synchronization of time division multiple access (TDMA) based wireless communication systems. A high precision software clock source is first constructed to measure the elapse of processing time. The Round-Trip Delay (RTD) algorithm is then presented to calculate timing advance values ​​and achieve time synchronization. An example of the TDMA system is implemented on Microsoft Sora platforms to evaluate the performance. Experiments show that the proposed mechanism is effective to enable time synchronization for wid eband wireless communication systems on GPP-based SDR platforms.
口腔扁平苔癣(O ra l lichen p lanus,OLP)是一种慢性炎症疾病,病损发生于口腔粘膜,具有一定的恶变率,WHO将其定义为癌前状态疾病,随着对OLP研究的深入,发现与肿瘤发生有一定
一、引 言 电滞回线是铁电体的主要特征之一,电滞回线的测量是检验铁电体的一种主要手段,常见的电滞回线如图1所示.通过电滞回线的测量,可测定铁电体的剩余极化强度Pr和矫顽
RNA干扰(RNA in terference,RNA i)是由双链RNA引发的序列特异性基因沉默现象[1],可高效、特异地沉默特定基因。RNA干扰提出时间并不长,但这项技术已应用于多个领域,并取得了