Biodegradation of 2-naphthol and its metabolites by coupling Aspergillus niger with Bacillus subtili

来源 :环境科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:amperezh
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To explore biodegradation of 2-naphthol and its metabolites accumulated in wastewater treatment, a series of bio-degradation experiments were conducted. Two main metabolites of 2-naphthol, 1,2-naphthalene-diol and 1,2-naphthoquinone, were identified by high-performance liquid chromatography with standards. Combining fungus Aspergillus niger with bacterium Bacillus subtilis in the treatment enhanced 2-naphthol degradation efficiency, lowered the accumulation of the two toxic metabolites. There were two main phases during the degradation process by the kinetic analysis: 2-naphthol was first partly degraded by the fungus, producing labile and easily accumulated metabolites, and then the metabolites were mainly degraded by the bacterium, attested by the degradation processes of 1,2-naphthalene-diol and 1,2-naphthoquinone as sole source of carbon and energy. Sodium succinate, as a co-metabolic substrate, was the most suitable compound for the continuous degradation. The optimum concentration of 2-naphthol was 50 mg/L.The overall 2-naphthol degradation rate was 92%, and the CODcr removal rate was 80% on day 10. These results indicated that high degradation rate of 2-naphthoi should not be considered as the sole desirable criterion for the bioremediation of 2-naphtholcontaminated soils/wastewater.
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