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为适应市场经济需要,实现公路养护专业化、规范化管理,江西省赣县公路养护公司自今年三月组建以来,积极探索,深化劳动工资制度改革,改善分配方法,充分体现了奖勤罚懒,奖优罚劣,为公路养护工作注入了新的活力,取得了明显成效。赣县公路养护公司受赣县公路段直接领导,实行内部企业管理,独立核算,自主经营,自负盈亏,自我发展。公司现有正副经理各一名,其他管理人员6人,下设12个养路队,担负159.34公里养护任务。为充分发挥职工的积极性和创造性,提高工作效率,增强企业活力,该公司积极深化工资分配制度改革。 In order to meet the needs of the market economy and achieve specialization and standardized management of road maintenance, since the establishment of Jiangxi Highway Maintenance Corporation in March this year, Jiangxi Provincial Government has actively explored and deepened the reform of the labor and wage system and improved the distribution method, fully embodying the principle of " Prizes and fines and penalties have given new vitality to highway maintenance work and achieved remarkable results. Ganxian Highway Maintenance Company is directly under the direct leadership of the Ganxian Highway and carries out internal enterprise management, independent accounting, self-management, self-financing, self-development. Company’s existing deputy manager of each one, the other six management staff, under the 12 road maintenance teams, shoulder 159.34 km conservation tasks. In order to give full play to the enthusiasm and creativity of staff, improve work efficiency and enhance the vitality of the enterprise, the Company actively deepened the reform of the wage distribution system.
养路费征费档案是公路征稽部门在对机动车辆进行征费管理过程中直接形成的具有保存价值的各类证件材料,除了与其他专业档案具有的共性外,还具有以下特点: 1、政策性强。公路
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