Changes of Addressing Terms between Chinese and English and its Enlightenments

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  【Abstract】This paper conducts a comparative study on the changes between Chinese and English addressing terms from intercultural communicative view.It finds that the changes of addressing terms between both languages including diachronic change and semantic shift.
  【Keywords】addressing terms; Chinese; English; changes
  Addressing terms are the words used to designate the other person/persons by the speaker.They show the role people play in certain communicating background,and also indicate the interpersonal relationships between them.
  II.Changes of Addressing Terms between Chinese and English
  Language is a partially shared,open-ended system undergoing constant change.As a minor part of language,addressing terms will inevitably change over time.One kind of changes of addressing terms can be called diachronic change.It is in accordance with the change of language over time.
  1.Diachronic change of addressing terms
  The change of society,cultural values and norms brought about the diachronic change of addressing terms.Ronald Wardhaugh (1986) comments that “A whole society which is undergoing social change is also likely to show certain indications of such change if the language in use in that society has(or had)a complex system of address.”
  With time passing by, solidarity semantic became more and more popular and finally took precedence, and people began to exchange “thou” to express sympathy and intimacy. T (the familiar pronoun) form of “thou” was used to express the feeling of sympathy, and the V (the preferential pronoun) form of “ye” (later “you”) was used to express estrangement. People would also change their addressing terms on the evaluation of their personal relationship.
  2.Semantic shift of addressing terms
  Sociohistorical changes can affect the meanings and use of addressing terms.The semantics of addressing terms can shift,and so can pragmatic functions.Semantic shifts refer to the restriction and extension of meaning.
  The speaker’s emotion or attitude can also cause the changes of the addressing terms.The change of relationship will influence their choice of addressing terms.That the father addressed his son with “Mr.Robert Harris” instead of the usual “Robbie” shows his contemporaneous anger or dissatisfaction with his son.
  III.Enlightenments on Intercultural Communication
  1.Consideration of Context and formality
  A speech setting can’t take place without a certain context.It can’t happen in the vacuum.The setting or social context (,party,home) is generally a relevant factor.Suitable choice of address forms partly,sometimes mainly,depends on the context.   2.Consideration of Age
  After the opening up and reform policy was carried out in China in 1978,executive’s age is becoming younger and younger.But because of the Chinese tradition of respect for older age,those younger executives address their subordinates with older ages with respectful addressing terms such as surname plus the title,“Lao”(“老”) surname,and seldom use full name or given name to them.In addressing their father,people may use different forms in different age stages such as “Papa”,“Dad”,“Father”.
  3.Consideration of Status/Power
  One of the dimensions is power semantic,mostly indicated by people’s status,including official status,occupational status,rank status,seniority statuses.Logically in English the relative higher status person will be addressed with title,while the relatively lower status person will be addressed with first name or full name.
  The part of the power of language lies in that it transmits cultural symbols and social messages and attempt to make speakers/hearers accept them unconsciously. More researches should be done on the group and individual variation in addressing terms as well as the uniformity.
  [1]Wardhaugh,R.An Introduction to Sociolinguistics[M].Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.1998.
  [2]Yangjun.Addressing Forms In Chinese and Their International Functions[M].University of Arizona.2001.
  Author profile:
  Lingzhi Zhao(1975-),female,M.A.,assistant professor of Foreign Language Department,Changchun Institute of Technology; Research field:intercultural communication.
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