A Corpus-based Study ofThe vocabulary collocation in Adult EFL Learners’ Writing

来源 :校园英语·月末 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mhappy
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  1.The research problem
  (1) Solve collocation problem.
  According to the idiom principle, the words in the natural language have the influence of each other. However, Chinese learners often don’t consider the principle of idioms of English, only according to the concept of vocabulary and grammatical compilation of sentences, resulting in a lot of Chinese and English collocation. Collusion errors in the CLEC in the sixth language error rate, accounting for 4.06% of all language errors. For collocation problems, if teachers directly correct, often can’t cause students’ interest. The probability of repeated mistakes is still high. In order to improve their target language processing depth, and eliminate their false assumptions, teachers can find a typical match, and asked them to use the English language learners’ corpus out of the law and correction, but also in the classroom through a collective discussion summed up the rules. This data-driven learning model can cultivate independent learning habits, and improve learning outcomes.
  (2) Improve discourse skills
  After introducing the corpus into the writing teaching, students can use the written library of Chinese learners’ corpora to search, analyze, and summarize the writing mode commonly used by native speakers, and cultivate the macroscopic thinking of English discourse learning. English discourse cohesion mainly through grammatical means, vocabulary and logical relations. To solve the problem of language link, students can use the English language learner corpus for special exercises. For example, the use of contexts to show a class of logical relational words and their context, using the search word masking function to cover the associated words. According to the context, they determine what kind of words should be filled with smooth and coherent text, and guide students to sum up the rules of the text structure.
  2.The literature review
  (1) Research Background
  The modern meaning of the corpus is “stored in the computer in the original corpus text or after processing with linguistic information subject text”. So the corpus is a collection of texts, and the text in this collection must be processed and recognized by a computer. Specialists think that the main purpose of establishing a corpus is to provide a basis for a more accurate and reliable description language. Its main idea is to guide students to observe, summarize and summarize language phenomena from a large number of real language examples, self-discovery language rules, meaning expression and pragmatic features.   (2) Research Significance
  Since the application of corpus in language teaching, in view of its own objectivity, large data and other characteristics are a language teacher’s technical teaching major tools. It has been noted by a number of teachers, adults have entered the workforce after completing their studies, some at the secondary level and others at university. Although a good number of students pass the certificate exam to obtain an intermediate level diploma, only a few are able to pass the advanced level exam after two more years of classes.
  (3) Research Status
  The teaching of writing in English to adult students involves facing a number of challenges, namely: time restrictions, learner differences in terms of aptitude and motivation, and a lack of experience and practice of language use. The teaching of writing differs from other skills. The necessary investment of time to develop good writing habits is considered too high, if adult learners often need to use the language. Moreover, learners can perceive the use of the corpus as a means of accomplishing their language goals.
  (4) Research Tendency
  The use of English language learners’ corpus, through the selection, classification, retrieval, observation, analysis, summary and other procedures can improve the ability of chapter, enhance the sense of style. We use the corpus to retrieve the various parameters of the words and phrases, and provide an important basis for the evaluation by comparing the written English with the English corpus.
  3.The research design
  (1) The research context
  This research proposal is a corpus-based of English construction in adult EFL learner’s writing. Based on the theories of IL, CIA, LT and EA, the results indicate that the basic types of structural expansions used in construction are acquired by learners at the very beginning. Subsequently with the increase of learners’ proficiency, there is a tendency of reduction for the simple types and the trend for the complex types is increasing gradually. There are some explicit characteristics in the errors of construction use committed by adult EFL learners.
  (2) Participants
  Students from 16 students of English majors from Haizhu Branch of Guangzhou Radio
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