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刚刚过去的一年,全国石油和化工行业在改革与发展任务艰巨繁重,国际经济风云变幻莫测的形势下,大力推进科技创新、结构调整、节能减排、质量兴业和“走出去”五大战略,奏响了化工强国的新乐章。全行业各领域同心协力、迎难而上、锐意进取,实现了“十二五”良好开局,为开创全行业蓬勃兴旺的新局面奠定了坚实基础。良好的开端就是成功的一半。为集中展现全行业及各领域2011年发展亮点与特点,客观分析存在的不足和面临的困难,巩固“十二五”开局成果,促进全行业2012年健康发展,本报从今天起在一版开设《“十二五”开局之年行业报告》栏目,为行业转方式、调结构、落实“十二五”规划提供新的思路和成功的经验。 In the past year alone, under the difficult and arduous task of reform and development and the unpredictable international economic situation, the petroleum and chemical industry in the country vigorously promoted scientific and technological innovation, structural adjustment, energy saving and emission reduction, quality improvement and “going out” The five major strategies played a new movement in the chemical power. The whole industry in all fields work together to meet difficulties and strive for progress, achieved “Twelve-Five ” a good start, to create a new industry boom and laid a solid foundation. A good start is half the battle. In order to focus on the highlights and characteristics of 2011 in all industries and sectors, objectively analyze the existing problems and difficulties, consolidate the achievements in the “12th Five-Year Plan” and promote the healthy development of the entire industry in 2012, the newspaper today A version of the “open” “second five ” “the first year of the industry report” section, for the industry to change mode, adjust the structure, the implementation of “second five ” planning provide new ideas and successful experience.
降低送往选矿厂的钨矿石质量会增加包括粗精矿精选在内的不同选矿阶段的金属损失。 某选厂由于方解石与白钨矿品位之比为80~120:1、甚至200:1,在矿石中有钨以不溶形式存在的
一、前言 江西省的硅石矿有两种,一种是Fe_2O_3低于0.3%、SiO_2大于98.5%低铁高品位硅石,这种优质硅石可直接用于生产出口创汇产品金属硅;另一种是Fe_2O_3大于0.3%、SiO_2为97%
介绍了鞍钢150吨复吹转炉应用二次燃烧氧枪的冶金效果和主要技术经济指标,并分析了氧枪的供热能力和副氧孔氧气的利用情况等。 The metallurgical effect and main technica
陶氏汽车系统业务部将携手陶氏Hyperlast业务部(Dow Hyperlast)和位于马来西亚的Kumpulan Jebco公司于2012年初在中国汽车市场推出AUTOTHANETM材料体系。AUTOTHANETM是一种高