
来源 :中国农村卫生事业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong488
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目的:调查酱腌菜原料及种植基地污染状况,为从原料上控制酱腌菜安全质量提供依据。方法:对萧山区酱腌菜原料主要产区围垦及10个镇乡的土壤和原料污染物进行网格式采样调查。结果:土壤中重金属及六六六、DDT等污染物指标均符合《无公害蔬菜生产土壤环境质量指标》,东江围垦区土壤As、Hg含量低于其它10个镇,有显著性差异。58件酱腌菜原料(黄瓜、萝卜)重金属和农药指标均符合国家标准,有3件样品污染物含量超过FAO/WHO标准。围垦地区和其它10个镇种植的黄瓜、萝卜污染物含量无显著性差异。结论:萧山区酱腌菜原料毒物残留状况总体较好,但仍应对种植基地采取必要的控制措施。 Objective: To investigate the pollution status of pickles and planting bases in order to provide the basis for controlling the safety quality of pickles from the raw materials. Methods: The main sampling area of ​​pickled vegetable in Xiaoshan district was reclaimed and the soil and raw material contaminants in 10 townships were sampled by grid. Results: The indicators of heavy metals, such as HCH and DDT in soil were in line with “Soil Environmental Quality Indicators for Non-polluted Vegetable Production”. The content of soil As and Hg in the reclamation area of ​​Dongjiang River was lower than the other 10 towns, with significant differences. 58 pieces of pickles raw materials (cucumber, radish) Heavy metals and pesticide indicators are in line with national standards, three samples of pollutant content exceeds the FAO / WHO standards. There was no significant difference in the content of pollutants in cucumber and radish planted in the reclamation area and the other 10 towns. Conclusion: The raw material residues of pickles in Xiaoshan District are generally good, but the necessary control measures should still be taken on the planting base.
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如今,秋葵成为越来越多家庭餐桌上的宠儿,它富含维生素和矿物质,每100克秋葵嫩果中,约含4毫克维生素C,1.03毫克维生素E,以及310微克胡萝卜素,有“植物黄金”的美誉。那么,我们该如何挑选秋葵呢?  看颜色好秋葵颜色鲜亮,一般呈鲜绿色,带点嫩黄色的更好。  看外形外形饱满、挺拔,表面长了一层细细的绒毛,没有伤痕和黑色斑点的秋葵较好;如果表面有褶皱,颜色发乌、发暗,或带伤、带斑点,就说明秋葵不新
随着翻译研究的“文化转向”,翻译研究者开始重视翻译中的文化因素并开始从更加多元的角度来探讨翻译和文化的关系。   民族志的“写文化”理论认为民族志的主要任务是在
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