,The pH of the Apoplast: Dynamic Factor with Functional Impact Under Stress

来源 :分子植物(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:raoxinyan
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The apoplast is an interconnected compartment with a thin water-film that alkalinizes under stress.This systemic pH increase may be a secondary effect without functional implications,arising from ion movements or proton-pump regulations.On the other hand,there are increasing indications that it is part of a mechanism to withstand stress.Regardless of this controversy,alkalinization of the apoplast has received little attention.The apoplastic pH (pHapo) increases not only during plant-pathogen interactions but also in response to salinity or drought.Not much is known about the mechanisms that cause the leaf apoplast to alkalinize,nor whether,and if so,how functional impact is conveyed.Controversial explanations have been given,and the unusual complexity of PHapo regulation is considered as the primary reason behind this lack of knowledge.A gathering of scattered information revealed that changes in pHapo convey functionality by regulating stomatal aperture via the effects exerted on abscisic acid.Moreover,apoplastic alkalinization may regulate growth under stress,whereas this needs to be verified.In this review,a comprehensive survey about several physiological mechanisms that alkalize the apoplast under stress is given,and the suitability of apoplastic alkalinization as transducing element for the transmission of sensory information is discussed.
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