
来源 :东南大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ab7268062
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为建立能反映多键齿折减效应的混凝土接缝抗剪承载力计算公式,考虑弯矩对键齿剪切面正应力分布的影响,基于应力莫尔圆计算理论求得接缝面的剪应力分布,通过假设正应力中拉应力部分不提供承载力,提出了考虑弯矩影响的混凝土键齿接缝抗剪承载力计算方法,并采用既有试验对公式进行验证.结果表明:既有计算式对单键齿承载力存在不同程度的低估,AASHTO计算式虽能较好地预测单键齿接缝的承载力,但对多键齿干接缝的承载力存在明显的高估.相比AASHTO计算式,建议式针对单键齿干接缝承载力的计算结果较为保守,计算值与试验值比值的平均值为0.84;多键齿干接缝的计算值与试验值更加吻合,计算值与试验值比值的平均值为0.95;针对键齿胶接缝的计算结果与AASHTO计算式结果差别不大.所提方法能考虑不同键齿布置、键齿深度对承载力的影响,解释了多键齿干接缝的折减效应,适用于混凝土键齿接缝的抗剪承载力计算. In order to establish the formula to calculate the shear capacity of concrete seams, which can reflect the reduction effect of multiple bond teeth, considering the influence of bending moment on the normal stress distribution of the shear surface of the key tooth, By assuming that the tensile stress in the normal stress does not provide the bearing capacity, a method to calculate the shear strength of the concrete keyed joint considering the effect of bending moment is proposed, and the formula is validated by the existing tests.The results show that both the existing The calculation formula has some underestimation of the bearing capacity of the single-tooth tooth. Although AASHTO formula can predict the bearing capacity of the single-tooth tooth seam well, the bearing capacity of the dry-joint is obviously over-estimated. Compared with the AASHTO calculation formula, the proposed calculation method for the bearing capacity of the single-tooth tooth dry joint is relatively conservative, the average of the calculated value to the experimental value is 0.84; the calculated value of the multi-tooth tooth dry joint is more consistent with the experimental value, The value of the ratio of the value of the test value of the average of 0.95; for the key tooth glue joint calculation results and AASHTO calculation results are not different.The proposed method can consider the different key tooth arrangement, the depth of the tooth on the bearing capacity, explained Multi-key tooth dry access The reduction effect of joints is suitable for the calculation of shear strength of concrete keyed seams.
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