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目的了解2015年北京市顺义区初中生吸烟和二手烟暴露现状,为今后有效开展青少年控烟工作提供科学依据。方法采用整群抽样方法,使用全球青少年烟草流行调查问卷(GYTS)对北京市顺义区3所初中学校1 404名初中生进行问卷调查。结果 2015年北京市顺义区初中学生吸烟率为4.0%,尝试吸烟率为16.2%;在过去7 d内,有77.4%的学生曾在家里、室内公共场所、室外公共场所及公共交通工具上看到过有人吸烟,四类场所二手烟暴露率由高到低依次分别为室外公共场所(65.2%)、室内公共场所(58.8%)、家里(47.6%)和公共交通工具(21.2%);认为二手烟肯定有危害的占80.5%,非吸烟者(80.9%)高于现在吸烟者(69.6%);有59.8%的学生支持在室内和室外公共场所禁烟。结论北京市顺义区初中生存在吸烟及尝试吸烟现象,二手烟暴露严重,应加大控烟健康教育力度,用法律手段切实保护青少年免受二手烟危害势在必行。 Objective To understand the status of smoking and secondhand smoke exposure among junior high school students in Shunyi District of Beijing in 2015 and to provide a scientific basis for effectively carrying out youth tobacco control in the future. Methods A total of 1 404 junior middle school students from 3 junior high schools in Shunyi District of Beijing were surveyed by cluster sampling method using the Global Youth Tobacco Prevalence Questionnaire (GYTS). Results In 2015, the smoking rate of junior high school students in Shunyi District of Beijing was 4.0% and the smoking prevalence rate was 16.2%. In the past 7 days, 77.4% of students used to study at home, indoor public places, outdoor public places and public transport After smoking, the exposure rates of second-hand smoke in the four categories were 65.2% in outdoor public places, 58.8% in public places, 47.6% in public places and 21.2% in public transport places, respectively Surely, secondhand smoke accounts for 80.5% of the total, non-smokers (80.9%) are more likely than current smokers (69.6%); 59.8% of students support smoking in indoor and outdoor public places. Conclusions There are smoking and trying out smoking among junior high school students in Shunyi district of Beijing. The exposure of secondhand smoke is serious. Health education of tobacco control should be intensified. It is imperative to effectively protect young people from secondhand smoke by legal means.
1 范围rn本规定提出了风电场接入电网的技术要求.rn本规定适用于国家电网公司经营区域内通过110(66)kV及以上电压等级与电网连接的新建或扩建风电场.
第一章 总 则rn第一条 为了加强风电特许权项目前期工作,建立和健全风电特许权项目前期工作管理机制,特制定本办法.