Direct anastomosis of contralateral C_7 nerve root transfer with affected-side inferior trunk for re

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangxiuli2010
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AIM: To observe the effect of direct anastomosis of contralateral C7 nerve root transferred through prespinal route with affected-side inferior trunk for repair of brachial plexus avulsion injury, and investigate its feasibility. METHODS: Two male patients, with the age of 24 and 41 years respectively, were retrieved. When admitted to the hospital, they were diagnosed as brachial plexus avulsion injury. They subjected the operation in the 252 Hospital of Chinese PLA in March 2006 and May 2006 respectively. The proximal end of contralateral C7 nerve root was dissociated to nerve root pore and the distal end was dissociated to anterior and posterior divisions of middle trunk. The injured C7 nerve root was widely dissociated to inferior trunk, medial cord, ulnar nerve and medial head of median nerve. When elbow and shoulder joints were in flexion, the injured C7 nerve root was directly anastomosed with contralateral C7 nerve root in the gap between affected-side cervical vagina vasorum and esophagus with no tensions. RESULTS: During 3 to 5 hours of operation, little hemorrhage was found, nerves were not used for connection. Dyspnea, hoarse voice and other complications did not appear, either. In the postoperative 7th to 8th months, electromyogram examination showed that the growth velocity of anastomosed nerve was normal. CONCLUSION: Direct anastomosis of contralateral C7 nerve root transferred through prespinal route with affected-side inferior trunk can be used for repair of brachial plexus avulsion injury with satisfying therapeutic effects. AIM: To observe the effect of direct anastomosis of contralateral C7 nerve root transferred through prespinal route with affected-side inferior trunk for repair of brachial plexus avulsion injury, and investigate its feasibility. METHODS: Two male patients, with the age of 24 and 41 When admitted to the hospital, they were diagnosed as brachial plexus avulsion injury. They were the operation of the 252 Hospital of Chinese PLA in March 2006 and May 2006 respectively. The proximal end of contralateral C7 nerve root was dissociated to nerve root pore and the distal end was dissociated to anterior and posterior divisions of middle trunk. The injured C7 nerve root was widely dissociated to inferior trunk, medial cord, ulnar nerve and medial head of median nerve. When elbow and shoulder joints were in flexion, the injured C7 nerve root was directly anastomosed with contralateral C7 nerve root in the gap between affected-side cervical vagina vasorum an d esophagus with no tensions. RESULTS: During 3 to 5 hours of operation, little hemorrhage was found, nerves were not used for connection. Dyspnea, hoarse voice and other complications did not appear, either. In the postoperative 7th to 8th months, electromyogram examination showed that the growth velocity of anastomosed nerve was normal. CONCLUSION: Direct anastomosis of contralateral C7 nerve root transferred through prespinal route with affected-side inferior trunk can be used for repair of brachial plexus avulsion injury with satisfying therapeutic effects.
1936年12月12日。震驚中外的西安事变爆发。在蒋介石扣押期间,一度想到了死,一天之内,写了寄其妻宋美龄、两儿蒋经国和蒋纬国与全国国民三分遗嘱。今据蒋介石的孙媳蒋方智恰存放在美国斯坦福大学胡佛研究所档案室的蒋介石日记(1945年以前的日记复印件已对外开放),将遗嘱介绍如下,并就蒋的日记分析其写遗嘱的原因。    蒋介石给宋美龄和两子的遗嘱,有四点重要内容,其一,因他自己的原因而遭拘押,致使宋美龄
社会主义商品经济的资金范畴,无论是从理论上还是从实践上,都越来越受到经济界的重视和关注.本文仅对此谈几点浅见. 一、资金范畴的发生及其意义经济学界关于资金范畴的争议
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