高度重视 全力以赴 做好华龙一号标准化示范

来源 :核标准计量与质量 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangrocpe
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很荣幸和大家一道共同见证华龙一号标准化示范实施方案正式发布和启动这一重要会议,华龙一号是中广核集团和中核集团共同携手,在充分吸收大亚湾、秦山及后续自主设计、建造、运行的近40台压水堆核电技术的经验基础上,吸取世界核电先进设计理念,开发设计的自主三代压水堆核电技术。2015年12月24日,华龙一号示范机组广西防城港核电二期公示开工,也标志着中广核从大亚湾起步,通过消化、吸收和再创 It is my pleasure to join hands with all of you to witness the formal launch and launch of this important meeting of Hualong No.1 Model Demonstration and Implementation Program. Hualong No.1 is a joint effort by China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group and CNNC to fully absorb Daya Bay, Qinshan and follow-up design, construction and operation Based on the experience of nearly 40 pressurized water reactor nuclear power technologies, it draws on the advanced design concept of nuclear power in the world and develops and designs the independent third generation PWR nuclear power technology. December 24, 2015, Hualong No. 1 demonstration unit Fangchenggang Guangxi Guangxi Phase II publicity started, but also marks the China Guangdong Nuclear Power started from Daya Bay, through the digestion, absorption and recreation
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继巴黎、东京、纽约、伦敦、米兰等站之后,向香奈儿经典小黑外套致敬的《THE LITTLE BLACK JACKET》摄影展世界巡礼来到了中国北京和上海。6月18日,摄影展将在北京798艺术区
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徐建明(1870—1947),字镜堂,号莲坡,自称莲坡居士,别号雪性道人,又号徐满幅。今广饶县大码头乡央五村人。清末民初书画家,亦称“葡萄画家”。清朝前后,广饶县四大书画能手之一。  徐莲坡先生自幼爱好书画。七岁在学堂读书时,他的书画已胜过同窗。后来,他常对同行挚友们说:“我从留着乖毛时,就学着作画。”他起初学画,并无名师指教,只是靠手头的几卷画谱,一边临摹习作,一边斟酌推敲。1892年,他二十二
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