加强高职教育研究 彰显高职教育特色

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今年3月份以来,我院作为第二批学习实践活动单位之一,在江苏省高校学习实践活动领导小组的指导下,开展了深入学习实践科学发展观活动。活动中,我院紧密结合工作实际,扎实开展学习调研、分析检查及整改等各项活动,深入查找并认真整改制约我院发展的突出问题,把学习和整改贯穿在活动始终。期间,院党委一班人认真学习调研,进一步把科学发展观内化为促进学院发展的一种理念,深入基层调研,对加强内涵建设,促进学院科学可持续发展进行了深入思考。这里,择录的是院党委一班人在推进学院发展过程中的一些思考。总题目及每一节标题为编者所加。 Since March this year, our hospital, as one of the second batch of study and practice units, has conducted in-depth study and practice of the scientific concept of development under the guidance of the leading group for study and practice activities of universities and colleges in Jiangsu Province. During the activity, our hospital closely combined with the actual work, carried out various activities such as study, investigation, inspection and rectification, thoroughly investigated and rectified the prominent problems that restrict the development of our hospital, and carried out the study and rectification throughout the activity. During this period, a group of Party committee members of a hospital seriously studied and researched and further internalized the scientific concept of development as an idea to promote the development of the college. Further research at the grass-roots level made deep consideration on strengthening the connotation construction and promoting the scientific and sustainable development of the college. Here, the record is selected hospital courtyard a group of people in the process of promoting the development of some thinking. The total title and the title of each section are added by the editor.
Purpose: To evaluate the outcome of intraoperative and postoperative complications of combined phacoemulsification and tra-beculectomy in patients with pseudoe
Purpose: To report a case of a Trabeculectomy associated to an Ahmed implant and intraocular tamponade with silicone oil in an aphakic patient. Methods: A revi
目的观察更昔洛韦治疗小儿病毒性脑炎的临床疗效。方法将68例病毒性脑炎患儿随机分为2组,治疗组38例应用更昔洛韦,对照组30例应用病毒唑,7~10 d为一疗程。结果2组患儿的临床
2008年及今后一个时期,我们要按照党的十七大精神,旗帜鲜明地坚持走改革开放道路,坚定不移地推进改革开放,从制度上更好地发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用,加快建立健全促进科学发展与社会和谐的体制机制。    去年党中央、国务院高度重视改革工作。在加强和改善宏观调控的同时,标本兼治、深化改革,推动经济社会又好又快发展,国民经济保持了速度较快、结构优化、效益提高、民生改善的良好态势。2008年及今后一