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目的调查某核企周围公众对核电站的认知和态度,了解影响公众对核电站认知和态度的因素。方法按照居住地距某核企的距离,将调查对象分为6层:0~,5~,10~,15~,20~,25~30 km。用问卷调查,入户调查的方式调查某核企周围30 km的居民1 112人。调查问卷共46个问题,包括个人基本情况,对辐射认识的了解,对核企业的态度;对核电站的认识;对核事故的应急等信息。用顺序logistic模型进行多因素分析。结果调查对象对核与辐射相关知识的知晓率仅为16.10%,对核电站的安全性认可度为46.76%;对本地区建设核电站有44.06%表示反对,仅15.47%表示赞成。调查对象中92.90%认为针对核与辐射的科普宣传少或一般,认为宣传多的只占6.65%。文化程度、职业对核与辐射相关知识的知晓率统计分析,差异有统计学意义,在知晓率方面,男女无差别。调查对象的文化程度、性别、家庭年收入、距离、职业等各类人群中对核电站安全性的认可度一定的差距。66.82%的调查对象认为平时很少获得核与辐射等科普知识。在获取相关知识方面,调查对象最希望获取途径为通过电视(42.99%)了解,最相信大学和研究机构的核安全专家(72.30%)的说法。结论文化程度、男性、地方政府处理突发事件的能力是影响核电站认知的正向态度,核电站对健康的影响、对居民的影响、对个人家庭的影响是影响核电站认知的负向态度。这些因素影响了民众对核电站建设的认可。摸清这些因素,有助于国家和地方政府有目的的开展核与辐射的宣传,为科学有效应对核与辐射突发公共事件提供依据,促进广元核能和辐射技术健康发展。 Objective To investigate the public’s perceptions and attitudes toward nuclear power plants around a nuclear enterprise and to understand the factors that affect the public’s cognition and attitudes towards nuclear power plants. Methods According to the distance of residence to a nuclear enterprise, the survey subjects were divided into 6 layers: 0 ~, 5 ~, 10 ~, 15 ~, 20 ~, 25 ~ 30 km. Using questionnaires and household surveys, we surveyed 1,122 residents of 30 km around a nuclear enterprise. There were 46 questions in the questionnaire, including the basic situation of individuals, their understanding of radiation awareness, their attitudes toward nuclear enterprises, their understanding of nuclear power stations and their emergency response to nuclear accidents. Multivariate analysis was performed using a sequential logistic model. Results The rate of awareness of nuclear and radiation related knowledge was only 16.10%, 46.76% for nuclear power station safety and 44.06% for nuclear power station construction in this region, with only 15.47% in favor. 92.90% of the respondents think that science and education for nuclear and radiation are less or more common, accounting for only 6.65% more. Educational level and occupational knowledge of nuclear and radiation-related knowledge of statistical analysis, the difference was statistically significant, in terms of awareness, there is no difference between men and women. The degree of acceptance of nuclear power plants in the surveyed population, such as education level, gender, annual household income, distance, occupation, etc., is still far behind. 66.82% of respondents think that they usually seldom get science knowledge such as nuclear and radiation. In terms of access to relevant knowledge, respondents most hope to get through the television (42.99%) to understand the most trusted universities and research institutions, nuclear safety experts (72.30%) argument. Conclusion The educational level, the ability of male and local governments to deal with emergencies are the positive attitudes that affect the cognition of nuclear power plants, the health effects of nuclear power plants, the residents and the impact on individual families are the negative attitudes that affect the cognition of nuclear power plants. These factors have affected people’s acceptance of the construction of nuclear power plants. Finding out these factors will help state and local governments to carry out propaganda of nuclear and radiation purposefully so as to provide a basis for scientific and effective response to unexpected public events of nuclear and radiation so as to promote the sound development of nuclear energy and radiation technology in Guangyuan.
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