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数学学科对于学生逻辑思维能力的要求比较高,对于学生的创新能力要求也比较高,然而由于初中生年龄比较小,智力发展的程度不是很高,再加上教师在教学的过程中针对于教学方法的使用和引入存在一定的问题,进而使得学生针对于初中生的创新能力比较差。接下来,本文将结合初中数学教学现状,探讨初中数学教学中培养学生创新意识的方法和措施。 Mathematics requires a high level of students’ logical thinking ability and requires a relatively high level of students’ ability to innovate. However, due to the relatively small age of junior high school students, the level of intellectual development is not very high. In addition, teachers’ There are some problems in the use and introduction of the method, which makes the students’ ability to innovate towards junior high school students is rather poor. Next, this article will combine the status quo of junior high school mathematics teaching to explore the methods and measures of cultivating students’ innovative consciousness in junior high school mathematics teaching.
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为了了解石油工业眼外伤的发生规律、以便采取必要的防治措施,现将我院1974年至1980年7年内收治的眼外伤统计分析如下: 一、眼外伤的发生率: 我科于1974年1月至1980年12月共
谨以此文献给9年中为上海市税务检察工作作出重大贡献的检察官们。 With this reference, I would like to provide the public prosecutors who have made significant con
报告中耳传音机构病变锤砧骨上鼓室固定14例。13例行大鼓室Ⅲ型成形术,效果尚满意。并报告一典型病例,术后气导提高30分贝。 Report middle ear acoustic rat disease hamme
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