
来源 :上海体育学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vierilv
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1 前言 运动心理学研究证明,气质做为个性心理特征的重要组成部分,是表现人们心理活动的强度、速度、灵活性和均衡性方面典型的、稳定的心理特征。这些心理活动的动力特征,使个体的全部心理表现涂上一种色彩,体现出人的气质特征。因此,气质不仅作为心理选材和心理训练的重要指标之一,引起人们的普遍重视,即使在一般训练和运动竞赛中,也显得日趋重要。我们试图通过对青年男篮运动员气质类型的测定和对运动员临场比赛时若干技术指标的统计,分析青年男篮运动员气质类型的分布特点,以及不同气质类型运动员在某些技术指标上的差异,进而探讨气质类型与技术特长和技术风格的关系,为青年男篮运动员的选材,以及有的放矢地培养运动员的技术特长和技术风格,提供一些参考依据。 1 Introduction Sports psychology studies have shown that temperament as an important part of the psychological characteristics of individuals, is the performance of people’s mental activity intensity, speed, flexibility and balance typical, stable psychological characteristics. The dynamic characteristics of these psychological activities, so that all the individual’s mental performance painted a color, reflecting the temperament characteristics. Therefore, the temperament not only as one of the important indicators of psychological selection and psychological training, aroused widespread attention, even in general training and sports competition, it is increasingly important. We try to analyze the distribution characteristics of the temperament types of young men basketball athletes and the differences in certain technical indicators of athletes of different temperaments through the determination of the temperament types of the youth men basketball athletes and the statistics of certain technical indicators of the athletes during the match. To explore the relationship between temperament types and technical specialty and technical style, and to provide some references for the selection of young men’s basketball athletes and the targeted training of athletes’ technical expertise and technical style.
我国西部大开发与当年美国西部大开发,无论在发展环境、条件、背景和发展模式上,都存在着许多根本性的区别。 In the great development of the western region of our countr
PART 1  新单位其实不是一个人的单位,而是每个人的心单位  转身遇到圈内名人,喝杯咖啡就能找到合作伙伴,零投入吸收千万元投资……这些,都不是梦。  在上海、北京、杭州、成都、香港、台湾……一些面对不同圈子的新型办公空间交替涌现,重要的是,你要拥有想法。那么泡咖啡、放电影、开派对,都有可能遇到商机。  这种新办公形式,会打动什么样的人,带给人怎样的体验?带着许多疑问,我一头扎进上海的“新单位”