长城现状令人担忧 调查保护刻不容缓

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提起长城,人们自然会想到北京八达岭上雄伟壮观的明代长城。其实,在中国历史上,从战国时代的齐、楚、燕、韩、赵、魏、秦七国先后修筑的长城算起,到秦始皇统一六国后,于始皇帝三十三年(214)将各国的长城连接起来,形成真正意义上的万里长城,再到明朝大规模修筑长城为止,先后有20多个王朝和诸侯国修筑过长城,总长超过10万里,绵延我国16个省、市、自治区。长城1987年被列入《世界遗产名录》,没过多久,世界古迹基金会就把它列为100个最濒危的历史文化遗产之一。长城正在我们的眼皮底下一天天残破、湮灭,现状让人格外担忧。中国长城研究会一项调查显示,目前长城的基本情况是:1/3基本完好,1/3残破不全,1/3不复存在。 Mention of the Great Wall, people will naturally think of the Majestic Beijing Great Wall of Great Wall of Ming dynasty. In fact, in the history of China, counting from the Great Wall built by Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei and Qin in the Warring States Period to the 33rd year (214) after the First Qin Emperor unified the six countries, The Great Wall of all countries are connected to form the Great Wall in the true sense of the word. Until the large-scale Great Wall was constructed in the Ming Dynasty, more than 20 dynasties and vassal countries built the Great Wall, with a total length of more than 100,000 miles, stretching China’s 16 provinces and municipalities ,autonomous region. It was not long before the Great Wall was listed in the World Heritage List in 1987 as one of the 100 most endangered historical and cultural heritages of the World Monuments Foundation. The Great Wall is being broken down day by day under our noses, annihilation, the status quo is particularly worrisome. According to a survey conducted by the Great Wall Research Association of China, the current situation of the Great Wall is that 1/3 is basically intact, one-third is broken, and one-third no longer exists.
一声春雷响后,春天就悄悄地向我们走来。她赶走了冬天,给世界披上了一件充满生机而色泽鲜艳的外衣。春姑娘就像一位神奇的魔术师,给人们带来了一派生机勃勃的景象。 Spring
生活中,有许多东西实在是值得我们好好珍惜的。 譬如说,珍惜时间。人生最输不起的便是时间了。时间是一条奔流不息的长河,执着而永恒;人生则犹如草尖上的露珠,短暂而易逝。
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