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天水市去年7月召开了各县区、市直各单位及驻市部、省属各单位上半年县级党员领导干部民主生活会,共有795名党政机关县以上干部、455名企事业县以上干部参加了219个县以上单位党员领导干部民主生活会,分别占应参加总数的96.7%和96%;并于8月20日前,对因公、因事、因病未能参加民主生活会的46名县以上干部进行了补课。这次民主生活会主要有三个方面的收获:一是积极开展批评与自我批评,加强了党内民主建设。民主生活会共收集到意见和建议4892条;在生活会上提出间题、意见、建议2239条,本人自查自纠出的问题和不足2269条。通过批评和自我批评,许多同志深受触动和教育。二是重在整改,强化了党风廉政建设。对提出的844条问题和不足之处,各对象单位和个人及时进行了整改。全市上半年申报个人收入的县处级以上干部1680名,占总数的97.2%;进行礼品、礼金登记的564人,折合人民币106,390元;有95.5%的企业实行了业务招待费向职代会报告制度。据统计,去年上半年业务招待费使用比上年同期减少了11%;清理出用公款安装的住宅电话822部、移动电话35部、BP机249部,涉及县以上干部524人,目前正在按有关规定抓紧处理。三是认真克 In July last year, Tianshui City held a total of 795 party and government cadres at the county level and above, and 455 enterprises and counties above the county level Cadres participated in the democratic life meetings of leading cadres of 219 Party member units above the county level, accounting for 96.7% and 96% of the total respectively. Prior to August 20, cadres participated in the democratic life meeting due to illness or illness 46 cadres at and above the county have made up classes. This democratic life will mainly be harvested in three aspects: First, actively carry out criticism and self-criticism, and strengthen inner-party democracy. A total of 4,892 opinions and suggestions were collected in the democratic life; 2239 questions, opinions and suggestions were put forward at the life meeting, and 2269 self-examination questions and deficiencies were self-examination. Through criticism and self-criticism, many comrades are deeply touched and educated. Second, focusing on rectification and reform, strengthening the building of a clean government. In respect of the 844 questions and shortcomings proposed, all the target units and individuals rectified them in time. In the first half of the year, the number of cadres at the county level and above who declared personal incomes in the first half of the year was 1680, accounting for 97.2% of the total; 564 persons, who registered gifts and gifts, were equivalent to RMB 106,390 yuan; 95.5% of the enterprises implemented the business hospitality report to the workers’ congress system. Statistics show that in the first half of last year, the use of entertainment expenses decreased by 11% over the same period of previous year; 822 residential phones, 35 mobile phones and 249 BP computers were installed on public funds, involving 524 cadres at and above county level, The relevant regulations to deal with. Third, serious grams
微生活就是低头族忘我刷屏的生活。某位小友紧追时尚风标,我便好奇地问他:“低头族不刷屏,难道会死吗?”他笑道:“当然不会死,但会生不如死!”  一个多世纪前,洋人到中国来游历,喜欢到处拍照,时不时,他们会把镜头对准那些衣衫褴褛的村民,村民莫不惊恐逃避,哄传照相机能够摄魂夺魄。彼时彼地村民确实太愚昧了,现代网民的进步却有目共睹,4G手机上的微信平台是一个堪比黑洞的魔沼,但许多人心甘情愿地置身其境,就算