Genesis of the Hongzhen metamorphic core complex and its tectonic implications

来源 :Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:amysyz
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The Hongzhen metamorphic core complex is situated in the Yangtze plate to the east of the Dabie oro- genic belt. Its ductile detachment zone in the foot wall overprints on the metamorphic complex of the Proterozoic Dongling Group. The present profile of the ductile shear zone with consistent SW-dipping mineral elongation lineation shows antiform and reversed S-shape from northeast to southwest respectively. Exposure structures, microstructures and quartz C-axis fabric all indicate top-to-SW movement for the ductile shear zone. Recrystallisation types of quartz and feldspar in the mylonites demonstrate that the shear zone was developed under the amphibolite facies condition and at mid-crust levels. The metamorphic core complex formed in the Early Cretaceous with a muscovite plateau age of 124.8±1.2 Ma. Regional NE-SW extension along a SW-dipping, gentle detachment zone was responsible for formation of the core complex. Intrusion of the Hongzhen granite with a biotite plateau age of 124.8±1.2 Ma rendered the ductile shear zone curved, uplifted and final localization of the core complex. The Hongzhen metamorphic core complex suggests that the Early Cretaceous magma- tism in this region took place under the condition of regional extension and the eastern Yangtze plate also experienced lithospheric thinning. The Hongzhen metamorphic core complex is situated in the Yangtze plate to the east of the Dabie oro- genic belt. Its ductile detachment zone in the foot wall overprints on the metamorphic complex of the Proterozoic Dongling Group. The present profile of the ductile shear zone with consistent SW-dipping mineral elongation lineation shows antiform and reversed S-shape from northeast to southwest respectively. Exposure structures, microstructures and quartz C-axis fabric all indicate top-to-sw movement for the ductile shear zone. Recrystallization types of quartz and feldspar in the mylonites demonstrate that the shear zone was developed under the amphibolite facies condition and at mid-crust levels. The metamorphic core complex formed in the Early Cretaceous with a muscovite plateau age of 124.8 ± 1.2 Ma. Regional NE-SW extension along a SW -dipping, gentle detachment zone was responsible for formation of the core complex. Intrusion of the Hongzhen granite with a biotite plateau age of 124 .8 ± 1.2 Ma rendered the ductile shear zone curved, uplifted and final localization of the core complex. The Hongzhen metamorphic core complex suggests that the Early Cretaceous magma- tism in this region took place under the condition of regional extension and the eastern Yangtze plate also experienced lithospheric thinning.
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