Simulation of Morphological Development of Soil Cracks in Yuanmou Dry-hot Valley Region, Southwest C

来源 :Chinese Geographical Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luomingasdf
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Soil cracking is an important process influencing water and solutes transport in the Yuanmou Dry-hot Valley region of Southwest China. Studying the morphological development of soil cracks helps to further reveal the close relationship between the soil cracking process and water movement in such semi-arid regions. Here we report regular changes on surface morphology of soil cracks with decreasing water in four different soils (Typ-Ustic Ferrisols,Ver-Ustic Ferrisols,Tru-Ustic Vertisols and Typ-Ustic Vertisols) through simulation experiments. Our results indicate the following: 1) Different soils ultimately have different development degrees of soil cracks,according to their various values of crack area density. Soil cracks in Typ-Ustic Ferrisols can only develop to the feeble degree,while those in the other three soils are capable of developing into the intensive degree,and even into the extremely intensive degree. 2) Soil crack complexity,as expressed by the value of the area-weighted mean of crack fractal dimension (AWMFRAC),is found to continuously decrease as a whole through the whole cracking process in all the studied soils. 3) Soil crack connectivity shows a uniform trend in the studied soils,that is to say,connectivity gradually increases with soil crack development. Soil cracking is an important process influencing water and solutes transport in the Yuanmou Dry-hot Valley region of Southwest China. Studying the morphological development of soil cracks helps to further reveal the close relationship between the soil cracking process and water movement in such semi-arid Here we report regular changes on surface morphology of soil cracks with decreasing water in four different soils (Typ-Ustic Ferrisols, Ver-Ustic Ferrisols, Tru-Ustic Vertisols and Typ-Ustic Vertisols) through simulation experiments. : 1) Different soils ultimately have different development degrees of soil cracks, according to their various values ​​of crack area density. Soil cracks in Typ-Ustic Ferrisols can only develop to the feeble degree, while those in the other three soils are capable of developing into the intensive degree, and even into the extremely intensive degree. 2) Soil crack complexity, as expressed by the value of the area-weighted mean of crack fractal dimension (AWMFRAC), is found to continuously decrease the whole cracking process in all the studied soils. that is uniform to in the studied soils, that is to say, with soil crack development.
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