国家收储无限量 棉市行情待观望

来源 :农产品市场周刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vitaminchina
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“目前大豆和棉花是最看好的商品期货。其中棉花CF1201合约即使跌破收储价,也没什么空间。等2010年的陈棉用完了,新棉定价至少会高于国储价,否则可以直接交储。”东兴期货分析师张郡凌对记者说。国储收棉“托底”受19800元/吨国家收储价的影响,棉花各合约在几度触碰20000元整数关口后得到明显支撑,止跌企稳。“这次国家收储是不限量的,影响非同小可,对全球棉花都产生了很大的影响。”天琪期货棉花分析师陈淑敏表示。 “The current soybean and cotton are the most promising commodity futures, including cotton CF1201 contract, even if the storage price below, there is no room for other cotton finished in 2010, the new cotton price will be at least higher than the state reserve price, or Direct delivery. ”Dongxing futures analyst Zhang Junling told reporters. State Reserve received cotton “bottom ” affected by the purchasing and storage price of 19800 yuan / ton countries, the cotton contract in the few touch 20000 yuan after the integer mark was significantly supported, stabilized stabilized. “The country is not limited reserves, the impact of trivial, have a great impact on global cotton. ” Tianqi Futures cotton analyst Chen Shumin said.
Ⅰ.Teaching aims and demands  1. Knowledge objects  New words: pale, terrible, been, had better  Target language: What’s wrong with you?  I have a….  You should/ shouldn’t/ had better/ had better not….