Rapid and sensitive detection of pesticides by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy technique based o

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hy85323
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A novel method of fast and sensitive SERS detection using GMA-EDMA porous material combined with a miniature device was reported in this study.A100μL solution containing sample,silver colloid and NaCl was evenly mixed to ensure the sample molecules would adsorb onto silver nanoparticles.Then the mixture was added onto the porous material surface slowly,so that the aggregation of silver colloid would stay on the surface while the liquid components would flow away.This technology can improve the sensitivity of SERS detection.By this method,two pesticides tricyclazole and paraquat were successfully detected at concentrations of 5×10~(-3) mg/L and 1×10~(-3) mg/L,respectively. A novel method of fast and sensitive SERS detection using GMA-EDMA porous material combined with a miniature device was reported in this study. A 100 μL solution containing sample, silver colloid and NaCl was evenly mixed to ensure the sample molecule would adsorb onto silver nanoparticles. the mixture was added onto the porous material surface slowly, so that the aggregation of silver colloid would stay on the surface while the liquid components would flow away. this technology can improve the sensitivity of SERS detection. By this method, two pesticides tricyclazole and paraquat were successfully detected at concentrations of 5 × 10 -3 mg / L and 1 × 10 -3 mg / L, respectively.
患儿男 ,8个月 ,因咳嗽 2天、皮疹 1天 ,于 1999年 10月3日入院。患儿 2天前因咳嗽在家口服头孢拉啶 6 2 .5 mg,共 2次。次日面部出现皮疹并逐渐遍布全身 ,瘙痒较重 ,故烦躁
Objective: To compare perinatal results of Rh-alloimmunized pregnancies managed with spectrophotometric amniotic fluid analysis or fetal middle cerebral artery
蜂蜜  报道:1岁以内别吃蜂蜜  观点分析:基本靠谱  但报道中提到,蜂蜜“往往含有梭状肉毒芽孢,可引起幼儿肉毒杆菌病”表述不够恰当。蜂蜜可能会含有梭状肉毒芽孢,但并非一定含有可导致婴儿感染肉毒梭菌的梭状肉毒芽孢。1岁以内的孩子不是幼儿,从专业上来讲,不是“肉毒杆菌病”,而是肉毒杆菌中毒或肉毒杆菌食物中毒。  蜂蜜可能会含有肉毒杆菌芽孢:  1. 蜂蜜在酿造、运输过程中,可能受到肉毒杆菌芽孢的污染
横向并购各地企业,纵向控制上游景点资源 Horizontal mergers and acquisitions around the enterprise, vertical control of upstream attractions resources