
来源 :中国电力企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaorixue
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从经济的角度说,一项政策好比开出的一张支票,它既表示从国库中获得预算,更代表向民众派出利益。在过去五年的政府预算中,为了确保国民经济增长这个首要目标,1997年亚洲金融风暴之后环境逼人的一个非常之举,就是在内需不振的情况下,用6600亿特别发行的建设国债带动了全国的项目投资。这些投资将经济增长速度每年拉升了近2个百分点,农网改造项目也在此之列。发展市场经济,宏观调控是必不可少的,然而却非万能。从灵活反应讲,政府在同公众和企业打交道的时候,后者往往处于主动地位,政府处于被动地位。因为政府的决策过程要经过一系列程序,反应通常比较慢。一旦政策措施不力,导致微观经济单位做出预防性对策,特别是抵触,资源配置目标就不可能再是设计者心中构思的优化,处理不好会适得其反。所以,政府宏观决策的未雨绸缪和快速反应,以及减少行政干预,强调用经济手段来实现稳定和增长,是提升调控水平和保证发展的关键。现在,又到了向失衡的一极倾斜的时候。 From an economic point of view, a policy is like a check issued, which means both obtaining a budget from the treasury and representing more interests to the people. In the government budget of the past five years, in order to ensure the primary goal of national economic growth, an extraordinary move after the Asian financial turmoil in 1997 was that under the condition of sluggish domestic demand, it was driven by the issuance of 660 billion special purpose construction treasury bonds The country’s project investment. These investments have boosted the rate of economic growth by almost 2 percentage points each year, as is the project of rural power network transformation. To develop a market economy and macro-control is indispensable, but not a panacea. From the flexible response, the government is dealing with the public and enterprises, the latter are often in the initiative, the government is in a passive position. Because the government’s decision-making process goes through a series of procedures, the response is usually slow. Once policies and measures are not effective, leading micro-economic units to make preventive measures, especially the conflict, the goal of resource allocation can no longer be the designer’s idea of ​​the optimization, the treatment is not good will be counterproductive. Therefore, the proactive planning and rapid reaction of the government’s macroeconomic policies and the reduction of administrative intervention emphasize that economic means to achieve stability and growth are the keys to enhancing the regulatory level and ensuring development. Now it is time to lean towards the pole of imbalance.
摘要:随着经济和人们生活水平的提高,城市规划是城市发展的蓝图,是建设城市的基础。以往的粗放式建设存在诸多不便,已经无法满足人民日益增长的物质需求。在城市规划建设中,设计者不但要充分考虑到社会活动、产业布局、资源规划的要求,还要考虑宏观层面,比如国家方针、政策等因素的影响。本文就城市规划建设中存在的问题进行讨论,希望对城市建设有所帮助。  关键词:城市规划;城市建设;规划问题  由于目前我国在城市总