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麦克和琳是一对中年夫妇,来自美国西南密苏里州立大学。几年前,青岛在麦克夫妇的记忆里,还是一片空白。2002年春天,有四名中国女孩,通过中美两国高校交流协议,成为他们的学生。其中有一名是青岛大学的学生。从这个女孩的嘴里,以及她带来的图片上,麦克和琳第一次知道青岛,知道古老神秘的中国,有一座海上仙境般的城市。麦克和琳的家乡密苏里州,居于美国中部的平原地区,那里没有山,没有海。于是,一直向往梭罗笔下山、湖、海的麦克夫妇,萌发了到青岛去的念头。2003年8月,麦克夫妇经过积极申请,如愿以偿来到青岛大学任教。青青的山,蓝蓝的海,清新的空气,洁净的马路……当他们一踏上这块土地,立刻惊喜地发现,青岛比他们想象的还要美。麦克夫妇一到青岛大学,很快就投入到教学中去,他们遵循工作第一的原则。一张普通的工作表,反映出他们日常生活的紧张和忙碌。星期一、白天授课,晚上负责两个系的英语角;星期二、白天准备下一周教学录音带,晚上辅导学生;星期三、白天 Mike and Lin are middle-aged couples, from the Missouri State University in the southwestern United States. A few years ago, Qingdao was still blank in the memory of the couple. In the spring of 2002, there were four Chinese girls who became their students through the agreement of exchange between universities in China and the United States. One of them is a student from Qingdao University. From the girl’s mouth and the picture she brought, Mike and Lin first knew Qingdao and knew the ancient and mysterious China. There was a sea-like fairyland in the city. Mike and Lynn’s hometown of Missouri, living in the central plains of the United States, where there is no mountain, no sea. So, always longing Soluo pen down the mountain, lake, sea Mike couple germinated to go to Qingdao. In August 2003, Mike couple actively apply, come to Qingdao University to get his wish. Green mountains, blue sea, fresh air, clean roads ... As soon as they set foot on this land, they immediately realized with surprise that Qingdao was even more beautiful than they imagined. Mike couples to Qingdao University, soon put into teaching, they follow the principle of work first. An ordinary worksheet, reflecting the tension and busyness of their daily life. Monday, teaching during the day and evening at the English corner of both faculties; preparing the next week’s teaching tapes on Tuesdays and tutoring students at night; Wednesday, daytime
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