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【正】 收购和兼并企业是大公司发展的一条重要途径。波音公司和商用机器公司的做法和经验主要有以下几点: 根据公司的发展战略确定企业购并的目标。
High performance liquid chromatographic method was developed valdated and applied for the simultaneous determi- nation of lisinopril and NSAIDs in bulk, pharmac
【正】 福建省顺昌轮胎翻制厂,曾经连续10年盈利。作为效益较好的国有企业,被顺昌县定为全县第一家改制的试点单位,1994年1月1日换牌改名为顺昌冠盛橡塑有限公司。 然而,实行
These last few years the multicolored Asian ladybird, Harmonia axyridis (Pallas), previously introduced in Europe and North America as a biological control agen
A new adsorbent namely bentonite/chitosan beads has been synthesized and studied for its defluoridation efficiency. Bentonite was activated and the beads were p
作者近年来治疗创伤性气管及支气管断裂11例,现将治疗体会介绍如下。1资料与方法 1.1一般资料:对本院1997年4月~2007年2月诊断为创伤性气管、支气管断裂的11例患者进行回顾性分析
The aim of study is to investigate the removal ability of some natural adsorbents for fluoride ion from aqueous solution. The batch dynamic adsorption method wa
The redox state of cellular thiols is widely studied because it was recently linked to many different diseases and pathologies. In this work we quantified the c