China National Convention Center: Successful Repurposing of an Olympic Venue

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  China National Convention Center is renowned internationally for its large scale and state-of-the-art accommodations.
  The CNCC boasts over 100 meeting rooms of various sizes, which can manage up to 20,000 guests. The CNCC is situated right in the heart of the Beijing Olympic Green and covers an area of 12 hectares. An investment of Beijing North Star Industrial Group, the center has a floor area of 530,000 sq m, running 400 meters from north to south, 150 meters from east to west, and 40 meters high. The conference and exhibition space is 270,000 sq meters. Two hotels and two office buildings complement the center with a construction area of 260,000 sq m.
   The Plenary Hall, designed for hosting 6,000 delegates, is an ideal place for banquets, exhibitions and performances. The Ball Room can accommodate as many as 3,500 attendees. Its 10 meter ceilings suit exhibitions. The exhibition area covers 40,000 sq m, also suitable for large-scale banquets and conferences. The advanced kitchen equipment allow 10,000 people to be simultaneously served food and beverages.
  The CNCC is an ideal venue for large-scale conferences and exhibitions that cater to international gatherings.
  After the Olympic Games, the CNCC was renovated and reopened officially in November 2009. Up to the 2010 Spring Festival, it had held nearly 200 exhibitions, conferences, banquets and performances, with more than 100,000 delegates and thousands of exhibitors. Over 30 events were held whole participants exceeded 1,000 people. The most influential ones include China Trade in Services Congress, Confucius Institute Conference, Beijing AIDS Prevention Week, and International Copyright Expo.
  The state-of-the-art facilities make the CNCC particularly attractive for large-scale company conferences, like Microsoft TECH·ED which has 4000 delegates. Many leading international companies and organizations choose the CNCC for their annual meetings, new product release conferences and academic exchange activities. The client list includes Audi, Toyota, Motorola, Samsung, Nokia, Baidu, Sina, Phoenix TV and Peking University. The Asia-Pacific summit of SAP, the world famous independent application provider, for example, had 1,500 participants, with 90 percent overseas guest attendance. Facing this polyglot, the CNCC provided services deemed professional and convenient for all, winning praise from its Singapore meeting planning company.
  The CNCC has bookings into 2017, showing it’s been successful at utilizing the Olympic venue in the post-Olympic period.
  Professional management has encouraged fast and healthy development of the company. With the convention/exhibition industry being regarded as a barometer for the city’s internationalization and development, this leader of the Beijing convention/exhibition industry has become a new growth point in the city’s economy.
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