Polymorphisms of AZIN1 rs2679757 and TRPM5 rs886277 are Associated with Cirrhosis Risk in Chinese Pa

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Objective Genome-wide association studies(GWAS)have linked many single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs)to the outcomes of a variety of liver diseases.The aim of the present study was to evaluate the association of several candidate SNPs with the risk and severity of cirrhosis due to chronic hepatitis B in a Chinese population.Methods A total of 714 Chinese participants with persistent HBV infection were studied.Patients were divided into cirrhotic(n=429)and non-cirrhotic(n=285)groups based on clinical and pathological evidence.The progression rate and severity of liver cirrhosis were evaluated with an arbitrary t-score system.Genotypes of six SNPs in five candidate genes were detected with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry(MALDI-TOF MS).The genotypic distributions of the SNPs were compared between the age-matched cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic subjects.The association between the risk of SNPs and the severity and progression rate of cirrhosis was further analyzed.Results Rs2679757 polymorphism of the antizyme inhibitor 1(AZIN1)gene and Rs886277 in the transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M,member 5 gene(TRPM5)were found to be associated with cirrhosis risk in CHB.They were also correlated with the overall severity and progression rate of cirrhosis.Genotype frequencies of other SNPs were not different between the cirrhosis and non-cirrhosis groups.Conclusions AZIN1 rs2679757 and TRPM5 rs886277 are associated with the risk and the progression rate of HBV-related liver fibrosis in Chinese patients.The emerging SNPs associated with cirrhosis prognosis warrant further clinical validation in other CHB cohorts or ethnic groups,and merit mechanistic studies to reveal their roles in fibrosis progression. Objective Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have linked many single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to the outcomes of a variety of liver diseases.The aim of the present study was to evaluate the association of several candidate SNPs with the risk and severity of cirrhosis due to chronic hepatitis B in a Chinese population. Methods A total of 714 Chinese participants with persistent HBV infection were studied. Patients were divided into cirrhotic (n = 429) and non-cirrhotic (n = 285) groups based on clinical and pathological evidence The progression rate and severity of liver cirrhosis were evaluated with an arbitrary t-score system. Genotypes of six SNPs in five candidate genes were detected with matrix-assisted laser desorption / ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) The genotypic distributions of the SNPs were compared between the age-matched cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic subjects. The association between the risk of SNPs and the severity and progression rate of cirrhosis was f urther analyzed. Results Rs2679757 polymorphism of the antizyme inhibitor 1 (AZIN1) gene and Rs886277 in the transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily M, member 5 gene (TRPM5) were found to be associated with cirrhosis risk in CHB. They were also correlated with the overall severity and progression rate of cirrhosis. Genotype frequencies of other SNPs were not different between the cirrhosis and non-cirrhosis groups. Conclusions AZIN1 rs2679757 and TRPM5 rs886277 are associated with the risk and the progression rate of HBV-related liver fibrosis in Chinese patients. The emerging SNPs associated with cirrhosis prognosis warrant further clinical validation in other CHB cohorts or ethnic groups, and merit mechanistic studies to reveal their roles in fibrosis progression.
Innate and adaptive immune dysfunction,also referred to as cirrhosis-associated immune dysfunction syndrome,is a major component of cirrhosis,and plays a pivota
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Objective To explore whether age,disease severity,cytokines and lymphocytes in H1N1 influenza A patients correlate with viral load and clearance.Methods Total o
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