VR Technology is Employed to Make the Exhibition“Interactive”

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  What the audience can see directly in the exhibition is the visual data such as sessions and sizes of the exhibition, actually the interactive link is becoming a trend to be paid more attention by the enterprises. By means of the interaction, the enterprises can display the products, and the audience can obtain special experiences of the exhibition. The advanced technology represented by VR technology has become an important interactive tool, which can create a realistic environment to stimulate the senses of the audience and can perform flexible interaction. Mr. Dapeng Hou, president of Shanghai Yibo Advertising Co., Ltd., has developed a variety of software systems for the interaction, which are the significant contributions to the development of the exhibition industry.
  Interaction is crucial in the exhibition
  One of the important functions of the interaction is to make promotion, which creates a large number of orders and huge economic benefits especially in the auto and robot exhibitions. The audience can acquaint themselves with the products in accordance with their needs. The exhibitors can interact with the audience to promote their products so as to leave them a deep impression of the products by the sensory stimulation to achieve consumption.
  In addition to the above advantages, the interaction has another important role, that is, to publicize the brands. It is not to sell products for enterprises to be involved in the exhibition but to take advantage of the opportunity to enhance their brands. The audience can get unique experiences in the senses for the interaction, which can bring better publicity effects than the traditional advertising.
  The superior interactive services are highly acclaimed
  Mr. Dapeng Hou is devoted to improving the interactive experiences, and the VR Exhibition Interactive System he developed has played a very important interactive supporting role in the exhibition, which carries out technical improvements on data receiving and interactive device on the basis of VR technology to conduct signal notification and receiving by a controller, so as to achieve the interaction through building a channel between the real and virtual worlds. All the exhibitors who have ever applied the system praise it for attracting the audience in a unique way to make the interaction easier and the costs of the interaction lower.
  Mr. Dapeng Hou says that he put the interaction at an important place when planning the exhibition, which inspires him to develop a variety of interactive systems based on VR technology. As an excellent technical developer, he has been well recognized in the industry, and Shanghai Yibo Advertising Co., Ltd. has also enjoyed a sound reputation in the exhibition industry.   The advanced VR technology is an effective tool to improve interactive experiences
  In terms of technology, the exhibition industry, which can achieve a great interactive effect, is mainly benefited from the application of VR technology. Mr. Dapeng Hou conducts the simulation of visual, auditory and tactile senses by virtue of VR technology, whose greatest advantage is that it can make time and space expanded without limitation to bring people’s consciousness into a virtual but realistic and colorful world. In this way, the audience is no longer the passive recipient of information. Instead, they can actively acquire the information they are interested in through the interaction, which can greatly improve the communication effect of information.
  In the future, the main driving force for the development of the exhibition industry is to continuously improve the interactive experiences of the audience by strengthening the innovation of VR technology, which will drive the exhibition industry to usher in a new era.
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