A Ruthless Sheep

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  Guangdong flower city publishing house,
  Xiao Ning,?28.00, ISBN:9787536058064
  The novel revolves around a middle school. It challenges present education system of middle school: Is it really necessary for teachers and students to pay all their efforts, time even life? How are the high enrollment rate and indifferent outlook on life and value related with alienated relationship of teacher-student, family and interpersonal?
Guangdong Education Publishing House,Hu Xing Song, ISBN:978-7-5406-9544-6,?22.00  Lei Feng spirit has win support among the people, become a monument of moral construction. However, we will find, mode
Guangdong flower city publishing house,  Han Sizhong,?39.80,ISBN:978-7-5360-5778-4  The protagonist Shen Yulan says she has at least three reincarnations, her body will change obviously after each reb
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Guangdong Education Publishing House  Liu Xiao Ling  ISBN:978-7-5406-9556-9, ? 13.00  The aim is to introduce the most exciting side of Guangdong to students and their parents, from literature, legend
Guangdong flower city publishing house,  Renjian  ?32.00, ISBN:9787536063150  The author Renjian, with a poetic and affectionate note, looks back upon the past and looks ahead at the future. He restor
Guangdong flower city publishing house, Leiduo,?28.00, ISBN:9787536062771  It is divided into six chapters, including true emotion and epiphany; freedom and introspection; self-satisfaction and effort
ISBN978-7-5359-5551-7,?29.00  Professor Feng Shulan, the author of this book, has been engaged in the clinic operation, research and pedagogy of Chinese medical acupuncture and moxibustion for long-te
Guuangdong Economy Publishing House, Mr Luo Qingqi ?25.00, ISBN 9787545410808  Compromise is a wisdom by using which we can achieve more than opposition no matter we are dealing with the complicated i
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Guangdong flower city publishing house,  Yu Jiang, ?22.00, ISBN:9787536064027,  Subei Elijah is a personal memoir and also a factual record of the thought transformation of a generation of intellects.