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伊春国有林权改革虽处于试探性阶段,但已显示出对林区改革的强大推动作用。改革激活了经营机制,盘活了现有资源,提高了森林经营管理水平,解决森林资源培育投入乏力问题。针对改革中尚存在的承包经营权证发放不及时、缺乏以短养长的有效措施、配套改革措施不到位等问题,提出了改革的具体建议。 Although the state-owned forest tenure reform in Yichun is at a tentative stage, it has shown a strong impetus to the reform of forest areas. The reform has activated the management mechanism, revitalized the existing resources, raised the level of forest management and management, and solved the problem of weak input in the cultivation of forest resources. In view of the problems such as the issuance of contract management warrants which are still under reform in time, the lack of effective measures to short-term growth and the lack of supporting reform measures, some specific proposals for reform are put forward.
AIDS, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, first reported in the United States in 1981, is a deadly disease that is caused by a virus Because intimate sexual c
本文介绍了国外环形件轧机的发展情况,分析了这种轧制过程中各变量之间的关系,介绍了用微机进行程控的一般模式。 This paper introduces the development of ring rolling
本文介绍了苏联近年来焊接生产、科研和教育方面的概况,并着重介绍苏联在工业生产中实际采用的一些焊接工艺及设备。 This article presents an overview of welding produc
本文提出了减小轧钢机主传动系统扭矩放大系数的一个新方法,即采用柔性支承传动。从理论和实验上证明这个方法是可行的。 This paper presents a new method to reduce the
最近,国家计委对“八五”国民经济发展计划的基本思路已经确定,主要内容如下: 1.“八五”计划不再提“东中西”,而由地区倾斜转变为产业倾斜,以产业倾斜带动地区经济发展。
本文介绍了大螺距弹簧的绕制方法,以及绕制弹簧用芯轴直径的计算公式。 This article describes the winding method of large pitch spring, as well as the formula for c