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真快呀,初二一晃又过去了,马上就要升初三当老大哥了。学校招考新生的前一天,校学生会主席欧海林把我们召集起来,安排我们明天当“向导”,帮一些考生找考场。身为共青团员,本人当然义不容辞,便欣然允诺。 It was so fast that the first two days passed and it was going to be the third-biggest brother. On the day before the school recruited freshmen, Ou Hailin, the president of the student union of the school, summoned us up and arranged us to be “guidance” tomorrow and help some candidates to find the examination room. As a member of the Communist Youth League, I am certainly obliged to entertain myself.
人生的路,是不好走的。它到处充满了荆棘和陷阱,到处充满了坎坷和挫折。唉,人生就好像唐僧西天取经一般,必须渡过81道难关,才能到 The road of life is not good to go. It
夜已经深了,我依然无法入睡。我又想起了我那最爱的“拔丝山药”。山药在我们农村可是最常 The night is deep, I still can’t sleep. I also remembered my favorite “c
去年暑假,我跟随父母到古城洛阳去玩,参观了龙门石窟。龙门石窟位于洛阳市南郊的龙门山口处,距市区12.5公里。我们乘坐的汽车驶过了伊 Last summer, I followed my parents
Arm walk arm in arm:to walk with each other’s arminterlocked. 手挽手地走The pupils always walk arm in arm across the streetafter school. 小学生们放学后总是手
入座: Good evening,sir,have you made areservation?晚上好,先生,您定座位了吗? How many people are there in yourgroup?你们一共有几位? Please follow me. I’ll show
“玩”这个字在当今这个“Modern”(摩登)世界已是一个极为流行的名词,什么骑自行车、跳橡皮筋等之类的玩已 The word “play” has become a very popular term in the “