
来源 :国际社会科学杂志(中文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shengfusky
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生物伦理学关注的是生物学和医学的道德方面。攻击性和暴力与生物伦理的相关性一目了然,因为随着攻击性和暴力行为的不同——是先天的还是后天的,是故意的还是无意识的,抑或依据种种理由是可以理解的和证明合理的——可能会适用很不相同的道德责任和法律责任。生物学研究和自然科学理论是我们对这些问题作出反思、争辩和决策的基本要素。本文提出了攻击性行为的原因,对攻击性行为的理解和定义的演变、这种行为的生物学基础,以及情绪与攻击性之间的联系。越来越多的证据表明,行为的先天因素(不论是遗传因素还是神经生物学因素)本身并不能界定攻击性行为,而诸如学习、文化规范、世界观等后天因素也不能界定。两种因素从一开始就相互作用,从而形成了一个发展过程,正是这一过程中的相互作用,决定了人的信念和行为。 Bioethics focuses on the ethical aspects of biology and medicine. The relevance of aggressiveness and violence to bioethics can be seen at a glance as it is either congenital or acquired, intentionally or unconsciously, or understandably and justifiably based on various grounds, as offensive and violent - It may apply very different moral and legal responsibilities. Biological research and natural science theory are the basic elements of our reflection, debate and decision-making on these issues. This article presents the causes of aggressive behavior, the evolution of understanding and definition of aggressive behavior, the biological basis of such behavior, and the connection between emotion and aggression. There is growing evidence that the innate factors of behavior (whether genetic or neurobiology) can not by themselves define offensive behavior, nor can the antecedents such as learning, cultural norms, worldviews, and so on, be defined. The two factors interact from the very beginning, thus forming a development process. It is the interaction in this process that determines people’s beliefs and behaviors.
多系统萎缩(Multiple System Atrophy,MSA)是一种进展性成人神经退行性疾病,近年来,MSA的发病率呈现明显的上升趋势,因而引起人们的广泛关注.本文通过MSA流行病学、病理、临