聚财为国 执法为民——山东国税十年发展回顾

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1994年9月山东省国家税务局成立以来,在山东省委、省政府和国家税务总局的正确领导下,牢记聚财为国、执法为民的宗旨,认真贯彻党的各项方针政策,按照“带好队,收好税,执好法,服好务”的总体要求,坚持科学发展观,与时俱进,开拓创新,税收收入稳步增长,征管水平不断提高,有力地促进了社会经济的健康发展。一、把改革作为国税事业发展的强大动力,坚持开拓创新,与时俱进从1995年开始,山东省国税系统坚持“先试点后推行”、“先农村后城市”的原则,积极稳妥地推行了税收征管改革,实现了纳税人自主申报、税务机关集中征收。在此基础上,进一步充实稽查力量,实行集体定案、复审回访、责任追究制度和避免重复检查 Since the establishment of the State Revenue Administration of Shandong Province in September 1994, under the correct leadership of Shandong Provincial Party Committee, the provincial government and the State Administration of Taxation, we have firmly kept in mind the principle of gathering wealth for the country and law enforcement for the people, conscientiously implemented all the party’s principles and policies, Adhere to the general requirements of the “good team, good tax, good law, good service”, adhere to the scientific concept of development, advancing with the times, blaze new trails, steady growth of tax revenue, continuously improve the level of collection and management, effectively promoted the community Economic and healthy development. First, take the reform as a powerful driving force for the development of state taxation, persist in pioneering and innovating, and keep pace with the times Since 1995, the tax system of Shandong Province has adhered to the principle of “piloting after the first pilot project” and “pioneering the rural after the urban area” Actively and steadily implemented the reform of tax collection and administration, realizing self-declaration of taxpayers and centralized collection by tax authorities. On this basis, to further enrich the power of inspection, the implementation of the collective finalized, review the return visit, accountability system and to avoid duplication of checks
1963年以来,作者对北京地区的白粉菌共搜集鉴定了7个属19个种,寄生在39种植物上。其中一个是生物分类学上的新种,定名为长叉丝壳(Microsphaera longissima n.sp.M.Y.Li)。 S
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前言桑梢小蠹虫(Cryphalus exignus Bland foud)是危害桑芽和枝干的害虫。危害桑芽,使芽桔死;危害枝干,中断养分输送,造成树势不旺或整枝整株死亡。由于桑梢小蠹虫体形微小,
近年台湾省北部受柑桔根线虫(Tylenchulus semipenetrans Cobb),南部受根腐线虫(Pratylenchus coffeae)为害严重,当前普遍使用的柑桔砧木——酸桔和广东(木黎)檬都感染线虫