Deploying process modeling and attitude control of a satellite with a large deployable antenna

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:plxu
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Modeling and attitude control methods for a satellite with a large deployable antenna are studied in the present paper. Firstly, for reducing the model dimension, three dynamic models for the deploying process are developed, which are built with the methods of multi-rigid-body dynamics, hybrid coordinate and substructure. Then an attitude control method suitable for the deploying process is proposed, which can keep stability under any dynamical parameter variation. Subsequently, this attitude control is optimized to minimize attitude disturbance during the deploying process. The simulation results show that this attitude control method can keep stability and maintain proper attitude variation during the deploying process, which indicates that this attitude control method is suitable for practical applications. Modeling and attitude control methods for a satellite with a large deployable antenna are studied in the present paper. Firstly, for reducing the model dimension, three dynamic models for the deploying process are developed, which are built with the methods of multi-rigid-body Then, an attitude control method suitable for the deploying process is proposed, which can keep stability under any deploying process is proposed. that this attitude control method can keep stability and maintain proper attitude variation during the deploying process, which indicates that this attitude control method is suitable for practical applications.
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