Respiratory and Cardiac Characteristics of ICU Patients Aged 90 Years and Older:A Report of 12 Cases

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Objective To investigate the respiratory and cardiac characteristics of elderly Intensive Care Unit(ICU)patients.Methods Twelve senior ICU patients aged 90 years and older were enrolled in this study.We retrospectively collected all patients’ clinical data through medical record review.The basic demographics,primary cause for admission,the condition of respiratory and circulatory support,as well as prognosis were recorded.Shock patients and pneumonia patients were specifically analyzed in terms of clinical manifestations,laboratory variables,echocardiography,and lung ultrasound results.Results The mean age of the included patients was 95 years with a male predominance(8 to 4,66.7%).Regarding the reasons for admission,6(50.0%) patients had respiratory failure,1(8.3%) patient had shock,while 5(41.7%) patients had both respiratory failure and shock.Of the 6 patients who suffered from shock,only 1 was diagnosed with distributive shock,5 with cardiogenic shock.Of the 5 cardiogenic shock patients,1 was diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome.The rest 4 cardiogenic shock patients were diagnosed with Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.The patient with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction died within 24 hours.Of the 4 Takotsubo patients,1 died on day-6 and the other 3 patients were transferred to ward after heart function recovered in 1 to 2 weeks.Of the 10 pneumonia patients,3 were diagnosed as community acquired pneumonia,and 7 as hospital acquired pneumonia.Only 3 patients were successfully weaned from ventilator.The others required long-term ventilation complicated with heart failure,mostly with diastolic heart failure.Lung ultrasound of 6 patients with diastolic dysfunction showed bilateral B-lines during spontaneous breathing trial.Conclusions Elderly patients in shock tend to develop Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.Diastolic heart dysfunction might be a major contributor to difficult weaning from ventilator in elderly patients.Bedside lung ultrasonography and echocardiography could help decide the actual cause of respiratory failure and shock more accurately and effectively. Objective To investigate the respiratory and cardiac characteristics of elderly Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients. Methods Twelve senior ICU patients aged 90 years and older were enrolled in this study. We retrospectively collected all patients’ clinical data through medical record review. The basic demographics , primary cause for admission, the condition of respiratory and circulatory support, the well as prognosis were recorded. Shock patients and pneumonia patients were specifically analyzed in terms of clinical manifestations, laboratory variables, echocardiography, and lung ultrasound results. Results The mean age of The included patients were 95 years with a male predominance (8 to 4, 66.7%). Regarding the reasons for admission, 6 (50.0%) patients had respiratory failure, 1 Patients who both both respiratory failure and shock. Of the 6 patients who suffered from shock, only 1 was diagnosed with distributive shock, 5 with cardiogenic shock. Of the 5 cardiogenic shock pat ients, 1 was diagnosed with acute coronary syndrome. The rest 4 cardiogenic shock patients were diagnosed with Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. The patient with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction died within 24 hours. Of the 4 Takotsubo patients, 1 died on day-6 and the of 3 patients were transferred to ward after heart function recovered in 1 to 2 weeks. Of the 10 pneumonia patients, 3 were diagnosed as community acquired pneumonia, and 7 as hospital acquired pneumonia. Ofly 3 patients were successfully weaned from ventilator. The others required Long-term ventilation complicated with heart failure, mostly with diastolic heart failure. Lung ultrasound of 6 patients with diastolic dysfunction been bilateral B-lines during spontaneous breathing trial. Patients with shock prone to develop Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Diastolic heart dysfunction might be a major contributor to difficult weaning from ventilator in elderly patients.Bedside lung ultrasonography and echocardiography could help decide the actual cause of respiratory failure and shock more accurately and effectively.
采用光线踪迹 /节点分析法研究了在漫反射、表面不透明、分界面半透明的两层平板状吸收、各向同性散射性非灰介质内的辐射与导热瞬态耦合换热。两层介质具有不同的辐射特性 ,
[基金项目:河南省教育厅2015年度教师教育课程改革研究项目“体育院校教师教育实践基地建设研究”(2015-JSJYYB-131)的研究成果。]  摘要:通过实践教学基地进行多环节的实践教学是高等院校培养具有实践能力和创新能力的高素质应用型人才的重要途径。体育院校实践基地建设存在着基地类型单一、教学功能匮乏、教学指导弱化、管理机制僵化等问题,实践基地建设没有得到重视;加强实践教学基地建设应从校企紧
对知识分子日常生活的叙述是李洱小说的一贯风格,但是短篇小说《你在哪》中的独特叙述打破了其以往的小说基调。李洱用其传统的男性视角完成了对“女性”生命的双重消解。 T