Lenovo, HUAWEI, Alibaba China Sea brands in the top three

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  In January 10, 2017, the world's largest media group WPP and Kai Millward Brown teamed Google released the first BrandZ? China Sea brand 30 strong "list and report. In 2017, it lists the most successful Chinese brands in overseas markets. The report provides groundbreaking research to assess the attitude of overseas consumers to Chinese brands, the results show that China has attracted the attention of the world. The current environment is conducive to brand building and convey its product quality and appropriateness, to create their own strength in the global market, and the observation and recommendations provided in the report will help them along the way to overcome the challenges and seize the opportunities.
  To make this list, Kay of Millward Brown to Google online research tool based on Chinese brand in seven overseas countries (United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Japan (BrandZ) brand power? The brand equity index represents consumers tend to choose a specific brand) calculate. It is the 167 Chinese brands in each of the seven countries in the market, the total score and the total score of the brand is ranked 85.
  A global leader in personal computer and mobile technology in the field of Lenovo 1682 brand scoring lead, become the most powerful brand Chinese sea. Followed by the consumer electronics category innovative international brand HUAWEI (1256) as well as e-commerce market giant Alibaba (1047). The consumer electronics brand ranking brand accounted for 40% of the total score, occupy the dominant position in the top 5, Lenovo, HUAWEI, millet, second and fifth ranked first, which reflects the Chinese consumer electronics brand in overseas strength.
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