A Study of Illustration Art in "Fan Culture"

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  As one of the contemporary art communication forms widely acclaimed by the public,illustration has gradually become one of the main forms of artistic expression in this niche area when the "Fan culture" is gradually emerging by young people. Among them,the vitality of illustration art has greatly promoted and extended the "Fan culture". In addition,"Fan illustration" are quite different from ordinary commercial illustrations.
  Keywords:illustration,"Fan culture",business illustration
  I. Development Trend of Contemporary Commercial Illustration
  Commercial illustration is a branch of illustration art that is well known to the public and has a very rich variety of expressions. Currently,illustrations drawn using a tablet are the mainstream. In commercial illustration,there is a relatively small and unique branch,which is also a branch that has only recently emerged in the contemporary era:"Fan illustration". In "Fan Culture",illustration is a form of artistic expression that can express the emotions of the author and mobilize the emotions of the Fan group. This illustration has the aesthetic function of beautifying the "Idol" in reality and also promotes the idol and Realistic function to express the emotions of the Fan group.
  Ⅱ.The role and influence of illustrations in "Fan culture"
  The role of illustrations in contemporary "Fan culture" has been briefly described above,that is,it can be an artistic carrier that can represent the emotions of the Fan group,expressing Fan' various associations and blessings for idols. As a derivative art in "Fan Culture","Fan Illustration" also has commercial value. Many "Fan Illustrations" have derived commercial products,such as customized dolls,pillows,badges,etc.,which are very popular among Fan.
  Ⅲ.Analysis of the characteristics of contemporary "Fan illustrations"
  Compared with commercial illustrations,"Fan Illustration" pays more attention to the feeling of a particular group of Fan. "Fan Illustration" only serves a group of Fan of an idol . The common feature of "fan illustrations" and commercial illustrations is that they pay great attention to the interaction with the public's aesthetic orientation,and have a clear contrast with other more artistic illustrations.
  "Fan Illustration" also reflects the "surrealism" in reality,that is,the ideal form of the Fan group's idol needs to be expressed,which requires the author to fuse the ideal with the reality to create an almost perfect "ideal town" To meet the aesthetic needs of Fan.
  To sum up,"Fan Illustration" is a branch of illustrations that has recently emerged. However,compared with commercial illustrations,its commerciality is relatively weak. It pays more attention to the emotional expression of the Fan group,followed by the Fan economy.
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